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Vote for Indian Billi. Indian colony Cat Breed may get International recognition.

Vote for Billi The Cat
Indian Cat Federation (ICF) is working to get our indigenous cats recognized internationally thus raising its chances to get adopted by cat lovers with a promise of a better life. These felines up till now haven’t been lavished with the right treatment and acceptance among people or existing cat owners. There is a natural drift towards adopting foreign breeds like the Persian cat, Siberian, Bengal or British. (Chairman Meow Motif by Obey the Kitty)

Being an internationally recognised breed will aid in effective rehabitilation of Indian Cats, which has a few takers currently. Image: PinsDaddy

Being an internationally recognized breed will aid in effective rehabilitation of Indian Cats, which has a few takers currently. Image: PinsDaddy

This move is attempted to bring about a shift in people’s mindsets who view the Billi as a free-roaming street animal. These feisty felines are not just beautiful but can be tamed as excellent house pets. When given the right care and comfortable environment these cats live upto 18 years. As a stray their life is majorly diminished to just about 10 years due to uncongenial factors such as accidents, unattended illnesses and brawls with dogs.

Indian Cat Federation is the front runner in urging the global community to recognize the Indian Cat Breed.

Indian Cat Federation is the front runner in urging the global community to recognize the Indian Cat Breed.

ICF has collaborated with veterinary colleges across India to carry out research programmes on the Indian Cat and gather detailed information on its unique traits. This study will offer a deeper understanding of these cats as a distinct breed deserving international recognition.

ICF has underlined major physical traits of our native cat as follows:

  • Long tail that reaches the shoulder.
  • Oval shaped paws.
  • Legs are of medium length.
  • Rectangular frame.
  • Medium build, Strong muscles and Bones.
  • Shoulders and Hips are of even length.
  • Female cats are smaller and more graceful than the male cat.

    Indian cats are beautiful and feisty felines and can live upto 15 years if taken well care of.

    Indian cats are beautiful and feisty felines and can live upto 18 years if taken well care of.


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