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How Long Should Puppies Go For Walks?

How Long Should Puppies Go For Walks?

Oct 15

Walking your dog should be part of your daily routine. This is because dogs need daily exercise, just like humans, and a short walk can bring plenty of benefits.

Walking your dog regularly is an easy exercise that has a positive effect on several different aspects of your dog's health, weight, and behaviour. For many years, pet owners believed that regular walks with their dogs will help keep their furry friends healthy, fit, and active. As more pet owners begin to realize the beneficial effects of walking their dogs regularly, more pet parents find ways to incorporate it into their daily routines.

How Long Should You Walk Your Puppy?

Every dog is different, each of which needs the right amount of exercise to release their energy. Regardless if you personally walk your dog or you plan on hiring a dog walker, like h&h dog walkers, it’s important to know how long your dog should be walked.

Below are a few tips to get started:

1) Limit Puppies To Five Minutes of Exercise

Puppies can get tired extremely fast. This is why, as a guideline, many people give their puppies five minutes of exercise for every month that they have in age.

For example, if your puppy is 6 months old, you should walk it for 30 minutes. If your puppy is 3 months old, a 15-minute walk should be more than enough to tire them out.

2) Don’t Over Work Your Puppy

Even though exercising your puppy is essential, you should always be aware of how much you’re working with your puppy. Most dogs don’t need any extreme form of exercise, but a relaxing walk should be more than enough to tire your puppy out.

Exercising your dog also helps them explore the world and help them learn things around them. If your dog stops to sniff around, let them figure it out on their own, and don’t rush them or try to keep things going. Always make sure you’re paying close attention to how your puppy is reacting to the exercise.

3) Pay Attention To Your Puppy's Body Language

If you’ve ever owned a puppy, you’ve probably watched them play around when they’re younger. If you observe, you’ll notice that your dog will play around for a few minutes, then lay down and relax for a few more. Your dog is the only one that’s aware of their limits. Hence, always pay close attention to your dog's behavior.

If your puppy seems tired and wants to lay down or no longer wants to keep going, they’re probably trying to tell you that you need to slow down and they need a break.

4) Playtime Counts As Exercise

Puppies have minimal energy, which is why you don’t need to do a lot of activity with your pet until they get older. When your puppy is young, they won't even need to go on walks. This is especially true for giant breeds since they get tired out faster than other breeds.

Having a few minutes of playtime in your yard can be more than enough exercise for your puppy.

5) Buy Interactive Toys

There are many toys on the market that are designed to not only work your dog’s body out but also their mind. Interactive toys are great for helping your dog learn and develop. These toys will also help tire your dog out in a fun way.

Using these toys is recommended when your dog is going to be left alone for an extended period of time. This way, your dog can tire themself out without you taking them out for a walk.

Other than a distraction from being in the house all day, we’ll talk about some of the other benefits that walking your dog daily has.

1) Give Your Puppy A Healthier Lifestyle

If you want to see a positive difference in your dog's overall health, then you should definitely incorporate walking your dog into your daily routine.

A regular walk will help keep your dog fit, healthy, and happy. It’ll also make sure your dog has plenty of fresh air to breathe, which is extremely important for them.

Dogs that don't get the exercise they need have an increased risk of getting overweight or obese because. Being overweight carries many health risks for dogs, such as a shorter life span, diabetes, joint problems, and even heart disease. By walking your dog regularly, you can help prevent all of these problems.

2) Helps You Stay Healthier

Walking your dog may also help you maintain your own health. Walking helps reduce stress, which is a good thing for your overall mental and physical health.

Exercising may also help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other health problems. Regular walks can also improve your relationship with your dog.

3) Help Control Your Dog’s Behavior

Most dog breeds were grown for a specific task or job–whether it be for hunting, tracking, working, or chasing cattle. However, most dogs don’t work like they used to and are used to a comfortable life as a pet. Even though this is the case, most dogs still have their natural working instincts and need to get some daily exercise.

If you don’t allow this, your dog might start showing behavioral problems like chewing, jumping on people, and destroying property, which is not your dog’s fault. Instead, it’s merely their way of telling you they’re bored and need some sort of activity to keep their mind busy.


Keeping your dog's health is very important. If you don’t walk your dog every day, they may become obese, develop health problems, or develop behavioral issues that can lead to aggression or destruction.

By walking your dog, you’re taking the first step in caring for your pet. This is a simple but powerful way to show your love and respect for your pet. Always make sure you pay extra attention when walking your dog. Also, remember not to overwork your dog or put them in any dangerous situation.

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