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Average sizes and life expectancy of the breed
25-36 cm
6-8 kg
12-15 years
Characteristics of the Pug
Pugs are those dogs who carry themselves with great pride and dignity, despite their comic behaviour. They like to play with their family and always love to be the centre of attraction, when people are around them. Despite being a fairly intelligent breed, a Pug might show reluctance to training due to their innate stubborness. Also, Pugs are good watchdogs as they will alert you at the slightest of suspicion. Yet, they are not "yappy" like other dogs, which will make your neighbours appreciate it.
Even though Pugs have a short coat, they are a double coated breed. In regards to their colour. they generally come in soft and silver, apricot, fawn and black. The black muzzle and ears in a Pug makes the unique, and this is one part of the their coat characteristics. They shed a lot of fur throughout the year, so a daily brushing helps to remove dead hair and to prevent it from falling on the floor. You can use a pet-specific glove if the task is not as satisfying with a regular brush. Pugs are dogs who can experience dull skin and coat. To prevent this issue, give them a diet rich in Omega fatty acids that keep their skin in excellent health. These fatty acids significantly help in reducing inflammation as well. When it comes to grooming, you can regularly brush their coat to remove dead hair, which otherwise would cause irritation. Remember, consistent cleaning is necessary for pugs as they have wrinkles, and due to this, they are vulnerable to skin infections as well.
Recommended Treats for Pug
Arden Grange with Chicken Weaning Puppy Food 2 Kg
Farmina Team Breeder Power Adult 20 Kg

Recommended Treats for Beagle
Recommended Treats for Beagle
Arden Grange with Chicken Weaning Puppy Food 2 Kg
Farmina Team Breeder Power Adult 20 Kg
Grooming Your Pug
Due to their double coat, Pugs shed a lot of hair and it becomes more prolific, especially during Spring and Summer. So he might not be the right dog for someone who is experiencing allergies on a regular basis. To minimise their shedding, owners need to do regular brushing and dislodge any loose fur if they find. As Pugs are a double-coated breed, deshedding brush will help tremendously to keep their hair neat and hygienic. When it comes to bathing, you need to bathe them once in 3 weeks, even if they appear to be clean and smell okay. This is because their body is constantly producing oils that are excreted through the hair follicles. These oils act as natural barriers against external elements and also keep the skin moisturised. But these oils are not evaporated and gets accumulated on your dog's skin causing dirt and smell, generally around 3 week mark. This is why bathing should be done once in every 3 weeks.
Taking Care of a Pug
The Pug needs veterinary medical attention more often than other breeds and needs frequent brushing of its coat, something uncommon for dogs with fur like theirs. Physical exercises should be moderate, small walks inside the house would be the only indication. However, they are important for the health of the animal, both for the weight issue and for reasons of socialisation and stimulation, since this breed tend to stay indoors most of the time.

Pug's anatomy is not very favorable for its health, so it needs a lot of care and close monitoring. The wrinlkles you see on Pugs are inherent in them and they need special attention, as they are conducive to the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. So it is suggested that you clean them with a dry cloth, wet tissue or with specific products recommended by a doctor. vet. Another health issue for Pugs is related to their difficulty to exchange heat with the environment. They use their breath (the more panting one, you know?) to cool themselves down, keeping their body temperature balanced. Since Pugs have a very flat snout, this action is more difficult, making them suffer too much with high temperatures, leading to hyperthermia or even death in some cases. Hence, you need to be cautious while keeping them in high temperatures. Pugs also need eye care as they can have allergies and need a well-balanced diet to control their weight and avoid obesity, which is one of the breed's tendencies.
In ancient times, the emperors of China kept Pugs as lap dogs and treated them with all the luxuries of life. Due to their short legs and troubled breathing, Pugs are not able to swim. Pugs are one of the oldest dog breeds with a history up to 200 BC. Pugs sleep an average of 14 hours a day. A group of Pugs is called a Grumble.
The Pug is an intelligent dog, although a stubborn one too. Its placement in Stanley Coren's book The Intelligence of Dogs is number 57, which shows that Pug doesn't need so many repetitions to learn a command, though they need regular practice on it. As it is very loyal to the family, it is always worth reinforcing the commands so that the pet does not end up dominating the house. They like to please and do everything to see their humans happy.
A companion dog is what best defines the Pug. They are extremely attached to their owners and very sociable with everyone. Even though they are sometimes lazy and don't like physical activities so much, they are quite playful and cheerful. Unlike most dogs, that needs to be socialised from a puppy to get along with other animals and children, Pugs, in general, do not usually have behavioural problems in this regard. Due to these features, Pugs are dogs that adapts well in apartments and smaller spaces, as long as they are always fresh! They usually receive everyone with great receptivity and enthusiasm, even those they don't know well.
The life expectancy of a Pug dog is 12 to 16 years.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the history behind Pugs?
The origin of Pugs traces to 2000 years back in China, where they were kept as royal pets. In the late 16th century, they were introduced to Europe in the 16th century and became highly popular among European nobility.
What is a Pug’s behaviour like?
Pugs have a friendly and affectionate behaviour and due to this, they are considered ideal family dogs. They have a laid back attitude and will rather sit on a couch than move around aimlessly. Also because Pugs are intelligent, they can be mischievous at times, especially when left alone for extended periods of time.
Are these dogs good for first time owners?
Yes absolutely. These dogs are ideal for first time owners as they are loving, friendly and relatively easier to take care of as well.
What are the dietary requirements of a pug?
Pugs require a balanced diet rich in nutrients like protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals etc. It is important to choose an exclusive small breed dog food for them as it assists in a healthy chewing and also promotes better digestion as well. Also, as Pugs are vulnerable to obesity, you should feed them in the prescribed quantities.
What should I feed my Pug puppy?
It is better to feed your puppies an exclusive dog food specially made for small breed puppies. Some of the best foods for Pug puppies are Royal Canin Pug Puppy, Royal Canin Mini Puppy, Fabled Grow Little One Small Breed Puppy etc, Pedigree Pro Small Breed Puppy etc.
When should I switch my Pug puppy to adult food?
In general, Pug puppies can be transitioned to adult dog food around 1 year of age. However, it also depends on factors like age, weight and lifestyle etc and therefore you can consult your veterinarian to know the exact timing for switching. Also, while transitioning to new food , it is important to mix some old food as well to avoid digestive upset in the pups. You can gradually remove the old food once your dogs start liking the new food.
Are these dogs easy to train?
As Pugs are quite stubborn and lazy, training them can be a bit of a challenge, especially for the first time owners. However with patience and consistent rewarding using treats and praises, you can teach them tricks and commands.
How much exercise do Pugs need?
Pugs do not demand much physical activity as they get exhausted pretty easily. Short bursts of running around the house or a 20 mins walk outside daily is enough to keep them fit. Remember not to take them outdoors if it is extremely hot or cold.
Are Pugs good with children?
Yes, they do. Pugs are ideal family dogs who have a special affection for children. With proper training, they even do well with newborn babies, a trait that makes them excellent family dogs. However, it is essential to socialise Pugs with kids from puppyhood itself, as they are a small breed dog who can nip out of excitement.
Do Pugs do better outdoors?
No, they can’t. Pugs are a breed that are highly sensitive to humidity, heat as well as cold. In hot regions, pugs can be quite vulnerable to heat strokes as they are relatively slower than other dogs in cooling down themselves. Due to this reason, they should be kept inside most of the time.
Are these dogs heavy snorers?
Yes they are, Majority of pugs are known to snore in addition to wheezing, snuffling and grunting. Their narrow nasal passage contributes to this snoring factor.
Do Pugs shed a lot?
Despite having short hair, pugs shed a lot. They also shed their hair year round unlike other dogs who do it only twice a year. The reason is because of their short inner layer coat and soft outer layer coat which makes them lose a lot of hair. Hence, pugs may not be the dogs for those who are allergic to hair.
Are Pugs high maintenance?
Pugs are relatively low-maintenance dogs as they can live in small households and they don’t bark much as well. However, you still need to groom them weekly as they experience shedding from time to time.
How long does a Pug live?
Pugs have an average lifespan of 12-15 years, which is one of the highest among the dogs.
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