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How To Maintain The Twinkle And Sharpness Of Your Dogs Eyes

Nov 04

Dogs are known for their sharp instinctive and intuitive insights. They are blessed with sharp visions. But their eyes require lots of care. To maintain the twinkle and the sharpness of the eyes of the dogs, a few pointers can be of great help.

These are the guidelines which you need to monitor in dogs regarding their sensitive organ.

1. Take a careful look into the eye: Look through the eye of your pet to find the clarity. Clarity and moistness indicate healthy eyes. The eyeball should have a white area around it. If you find any of it missing, time to fix an appointment with your vet.


2. The lower eyelid: Take a closer look into the eye of the dog and lower eyelid to find the pink lining inside it. In case it appears to be white or red, it indicates eye problem. Be careful while examining the lower eyelid as even a bit of rough handling may be dangerous.

 The following signs in the eyes need to be treated:

  • Discharge from the eyes
  • Tear noticeable inside the eye.
  • Red/ white eyelid lining
  • Tear stained fur
  • Visible third eyelid
  • Change in the color of the eye
  • Closed eye
  • Unequal pupil size

  In case you find any of the above mentioned conditions of the eye, make sure to consult the doctor.

 3. Clean wipes: Take a damp cotton ball and carefully wipe outward starting from the cornea of the eye. Runny eyes indicate infection and  requires medication.

 4. Make way for a clear vision: We love long haired dogs and find them particularly adorable. But be sure the locks are not a hindrance in their vision and in no way fall closer to their eyes. The best answer is to keep their locks properly trimmed.

    5. Drive the dog around with caution: Your dog loves the drive in your car. But make sure that the windows are properly rolled up to prevent the dust from invading the eye and causing trouble.

   6. Genetic: Some dogs are prone to eye disorders as it is hereditary in some cases. A little research done about the ancestors of the breed can go a long way in maintaining the wellness of your dog’s eyes. Glaucoma is a genetic eye disorder.

  7. Unusual eye behavior: If you find your pet fiddling or rubbing its eyes frequently, it may be developing some problem which requires medical attention.

    8. Other eye disorders: Conjunctivitis and red eye is a common disorder among the eyes of the dogs and it has to be attended with care. Mucus formation in the eye is also a common ailment. All of it requires medical supervision.

So here we are, I am sure the above guidelines will be of a great value while dealing with eyes of your pet.

When faced with a problem of the eye, make sure to take your dog to the doctor. Medical treatment of the eyes of the dogs can be administered in three ways – topical, local or systemic. Most of the treatment is topical or local which means that it can be administered directly to the eye in the form of

  • Eye drops
  • Eye formulations
  • Eye ointments.

In some cases, oral antibiotics are also prescribed. Do not hesitate to take your pet to the doctor and save its eyes at the proper time.

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