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How to Train a Miniature Schnauzer?

Nov 04

Miniature Schnauzer is a popular breed and known for its excellent companionship. This dog loves to follow his master wherever he goes and greets him as soon as he comes to home. This dog is also believed to have good guarding instincts and it is perfectly suitable for protecting the owner as well as his family. This extremely lovable and adorable pet soon becomes an important part of the family. This dog is simply a bundle of joy and if trained in a proper way, it can become an ideal pet for the owners.

Importance of Miniature Schnauzer Training

Miniature Schnauzer is an extremely lovable and active dog. It loves to attract attention of its owners. Though, it responds well to training, a little patience and perseverance is needed. Moreover, these dogs become too possessive about their toys and belongings and if any other pet or person touches the same, it becomes a little aggressive. Right from the very beginning, it is important that a boundary line is set and the pet is expected to follow the same so that correct behavior is inculcated. Proper training can help in subduing the aggressive streak seen in them and they can become a little mellower.

Useful Training Equipment and Accessories for Miniature Schnauzer

When you embark on training your beloved Miniature Schnauzer, you can make use of the extensive range of training equipment and accessories readily available in the market. These tools help in making the training session easier and smoother. For example, a simple ball can help the dog to remain active and energetic while enjoying fetching and retrieving game. It is important to ensure regular exercise and running in the park so that the dog gets enough exercise. This will certainly help in retaining its level of energy. These are active dogs and keeping them shut in the house for the entire day can make them crankier and irritable.

Types of Training Methods for Miniature Schnauzer

A variety of training methods are used to train a Miniature Schnauzer. Some of them are-

Controlling Incessant Barking of Dog

You can train your dog to control your dog’s barking. Many times, the dog barks just to get attention of its owner. Other times, they bark whenever they come across any new person or a new thing. They are highly curious to find out more about anything new coming in front of them. Many times, these dogs let their owners know what is happening all around them through barking. The dog needs to be trained to ensure that certain noises becomes acceptable to them and they do not start barking on hearing them.

[How To Socialize Your Dogs- How to Teach Dog to Stop Barking-Video ]

Stopping Dog Biting

When you bring your pet when it is just a little puppy, it may indulge in nipping and biting. It is important that this habit of the dog is controlled immediately as this habit may turn out to be quite harmful later on. If your dog continues with this behavior, there is a possibility that your guests may stop visiting your home, tired of your dog’s antics. Thus, it is important that this behavior is stopped and controlld immediately. Use firm voice to stop your dog when nipping at your dog. Gradually, it will understand and top this behavior.

Positive Reinforcements

Miniature Schnauzer is a highly lovable dog and by using treats and rewards or any other form positive reinforcements, you ca inculcate certain desirable behaviors in them. Whenever, your dog does something good, you must praise him and offer him his favorite treats as it will motivate to follow the same behavior, reinforcing the same.

Pack Leader Method

Right from the very beginning, make sure that your dog sees you as a pack leader and for this purpose, you can use certain skills that reaffirm the fact that you are the pack leader and your dog needs to follow your commands. Even when hiring professional dog trainers, pack leader method is used and establishing a leader-pack relationship between its owner and the dog helps a lot.

Different Trainings Required for Miniature Schnauzer

When training your Miniature Schnauzer, certain factors need to be taken care of, such as:

Walking on a Leash

  • In many cities, dogs are not allowed to walk freely on the streets and as such it is important to leash train them.
  • Use a light in weight leash and tie it gently around the neck of your dog. Allow it to roam with leash and collar in his neck and let him acclimatize with the same.
  • This will reduce the chances of the dog opposing wearing a collar and a leash.


  • It is important that the dog is trained to be obedient right from the early stage
  • Basic commands must be made to understand like stay, sit, stand, etc., to ensure proper behavior

Do’s and Don’ts in Providing Training to Miniature Schnauzer

Do's Don’ts
Use gentle and soft but firm voice when training your pet Never yell, be violent or shout at your dog
Be determined and relentless with the training session Stay positive despite training sessions becoming difficult to sustain
Use rewards and positive reinforcement Do not reward your dog when he indulges in undesirable behavior

Tips to Make the Training Task Easy for Miniature Schnauzer

  • Be very patient and tolerant when indulging in dog training as Miniature Schnauzer is quite active dog and controlling it may need a lot of perseverance.
  • Use gentle and persuasive methods when training him so that he doesn’t shy away from training.

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