Using the kitten toys is a great way to help your feline friend remain busy and blow off extra energy. While cats can turn various household objects into toys, there are a few toys that are perfect for the playtime with your furry companion. These toys also enable you to train your cat in how to behave at home and how to follow your lead. Each cat is an individual, therefore, not all the toys will be a big hit with all cat breeds. However, I have collected some common toys that are liked by most of the cat breeds.
1.Stick Toys
While shopping for cat toys, you cannot miss a toy with a stick involved. Some of the most common toys in this category are long sticks made of plastic that have bells, feathers, or stuffed animals on the end. Cats love this type of toys when you dangle it over their heads. Make your feline friend jump to catch these toys. Furthermore, with the help of small fishing pole, you can also make your own stick toy. You just have to tie a toy on the end and cast off.
These are the basic but one of the best toys for the kittens. Your cat can chase a ball around for hours. You should purchase those balls that have various features such as jingle bells inside or catnip in the middle. Balls are also inexpensive. If you have more than one cat, they all will enjoy having their own balls.
3.Scratching Toys
Kittens have sharp little claws. If you don’t want your cat to sharpen her claws on your furniture, then scratching toys are the best option for you. These toys are fun items for your kittens. These toys come in many colours and designs, and are made of diverse materials. Some of these toys have sisal pads and some are made up of cardboards.
4.Laser Pointer
Kittens enjoy the laser pointer very much and it is inexpensive too. Your cat loves chasing the little light of laser pointer around the room, and you will also get hours of fun out of watching your cat flits around on the furniture and chase the laser beam around the floor. You should be careful when you are playing with the laser pointer with your cat and never point the laser beam in your kitty’s eyes.
5.Cardboard Boxes
The cat-sized cardboard boxes make great toys for your adventurous feline friends. Just leave the cardboard boxes on the floor with their lid partially open and your cat will definitely enjoy these. In addition to this, these boxes are a good place for hiding a toy or other treats. Cardboard boxes make great interactive toys. Your cat loves to be dragged around in his “box sled”.