A Love for strays so strong leads 57 year old Pradeep Nath overcome invincible challenges on his path to Animal welfare, a former employee of State bank of India and holder of a law degree, Nath founded the Visakha society for Protection and Care of animals in 1996, which has been dubbed- the biggest animal shelter in India located in erstwhile Visakhapatnam and now the city of Vizag. Right from his childhood days Mr. Nath nurtured strays and over the years his grit only grew stronger to rescue animals and fight against brutal acts of animal abuse. His law degree helped him study legalities pertaining to animal killing.
The Visakha society for protection and care of animals (VSPCA) came up as a response to the Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation’s (VMC) decision to shoot down the city’s street dogs and stray pig population. The initiative came to fruition with its victory in the court case filed against the VMC to stop the murder of stray dogs in the year 1998. The same time VSPCA was directed to carry out an Animal birth control program that involved (a cruelty-free) neutering of dogs and inoculating them against rabies.
After resigning from a much sort after bank job in the year 2007, Mr. Nath joined the Bar Council of India at Andhra Pradesh High Court to fight (on his own) cases relating to animal welfare. He has evaluated extensively supreme court verdicts covering butchering of animals. Also Mr. Pradeep has partnered with animal welfare organizations globally in his quest to research and gain more knowledge on animal care. Nath’s animal shelters house cows, stray cats and dogs, rabbits, monkeys, horses, star turtles and birds such as parrots, pigeons, ducks, crows, sparrows and Emus (flightless birds).
The VSPCA has successfully covered one lakh plus dogs under the Animal Birth Control (ABC) Program since its inception in 1998*. The organization strives to set up Kindness Farms in the surrounding areas and villages (outside Vizag city) under its ABC program, thereby providing a systematic set-up for boosting the initiative and to mark its extensive reach covering a larger radius in and around the city.
Success of these campaigns has largely depended upon creating an understanding for the programs and a sense of sensitivity towards strays among the general public in the target areas.