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Bone Disorder Among Dogs A Common Condition

Bone Disorder Among Dogs A Common Condition

Oct 29

Dogs are the most faithful living beings on this earth. Just like humans are prone to diseases and disorders so are animals. They too have conditions or physical disorders which they have to deal with, we may not be familiar with their disorders but it is always better to educate one. It is good to have knowledge about everything.

Dogs suffer from bone disorders. It is a condition in which they may develop deformity of the bone, which may lead to movement problems. The causes of bone disorder most likely are:

  • Infection in the body
  • Nutritional disorder
  • Hereditary
  • Bone trauma or tumor in the bone.

The above mentioned are the most common causes of bone disorder among dogs. We need to keep a watch vigilantly at the health calendar our pet. They need to have regular vet appointments for the upkeep of their health. Vaccinations are a regime and the main reason of visit to the vet clinic. But apart from that, the doctor monitors the overall health of the dog and prescribes medication whenever necessary. Only dietary supplements are not enough for them, medications have their own vital role and effect on the health of the animal. Keeping a close watch on the health of the dog and taking them for regular visit to the doctors can help in preventing many diseases.


Some bone disorders in dogs are present at the time of their birth and the problem gradually develop when as they start growing. Such problems are progressive in nature. Few common disorders of bones among dogs are listed below:

  • Limb deformity which is angular in nature: This appears with the growth of the pup. It may be present at the time of birth and then progress in later stages of life. It is common in breeds like pugs and bulldogs. It can also occur due to injury caused to the growth plates. This kind of disorder can result in shortened limbs and prove to be a major obstacle in movement. It can be detected with the aid of X-Ray. The surgical procedure is carried out in correction of the length of the limb. The post surgery success rate is good. For breeds suffering from this kind of irregularity, surgery can be beneficial and post operative care of the dog is necessary. Diet should be monitored and food specially designed for the animal is beneficial.
  • A disorder caused among growing dogs by the name of craniomandibular. This is commonly found in Terrier breeds of dogs. In this condition the bone attached to the jaw and behind the ear gets enlarged bad causes severe pain and discomfort. It can also result in fever, swelling and mouth disorder. X-ray is beneficial in detecting the disorder. Once detected it can be controlled with a dose of steroids and antibiotic. Diet should be soft and digest able in nature. With medication, the treatment becomes effective and the inflammation subsides hence curing the disorder gradually.
  • Another disorder common among larger grown dogs is hypertrophic osteodystrophy. This condition affects the larger and bigger limbs of the animal making the animal lame, dull and full of depression. Other symptoms are fever and pain in the affected area. The diagnosis is done by the vet doctor and the disorder can be handled with medication and diet. Though the cause is unknown, yet feeding the dog with high protein food regularly is seen as a cause of this disorder. It is advisable to feed your pet with dog food only as another kind of supplements tend to harm your pet.
  • Panosteitis is a condition common among the growing dogs of large and giant breeds like German shepherds. It causes inflammation in multiple bones and is common between the ages of 6 months to a year. Though it is naturally corrective in nature, yet it hurts the dogs going through the pain. It is curable with the help of anti pain drugs. With the aid of medication, the dog is much relieved and able to move freely.
  • Another common disorder happens between dogs due to poor supply of blood in the parts of the animal resulting in osteomyelitis. Bacterial of fungal infection in the body is also responsible for this disorder. This requires a sensitive approach because puss is formed in wounded area which is very painful. X-ray helps with detection. Antibiotics and medications can be given orally and injected as well. Pain, swelling, fever, and depression are the common symptoms. But it is curable, though the process may take time.
  • Due to tumors caused in the body, the dog is often prone to developing hypertrophic osteopathy. This makes the tissues grow thicker hence blocking the smooth flow of the blood, this can be corrected with the help of surgery. The tissues, which has become dead and bad needs to be removed so that the blood can regulate properly with the help of another vein.
  • Accidental fractures of the bone also attribute as one of the major cause of bone disorder. Sometimes surgeries are effective in getting the condition corrected. But in few cases when the damage of the bone is severe, surgery cannot be performed hence making the dog handicap.

Above mentioned are some of the known cases and causes of bone disorder among dog of various breeds. Though some are genetic in nature, few can be caused due to various other reasons – known and unknown. Pets are still is good hands and are regularly taken to the vets.

But their stray counterparts are not so lucky. In case animal institutes or organizations reach them on time, the treatment is given to them. Few even lose their life without treatment. Every coin has two parts.

Timely detection of almost all disorders can lead to positive and desirable results. Even stray dogs are monitored by animal lovers and reported to the concerned organizations which take care of them thereafter. Dogs too have the freedom and the right to live a healthy and happy life. The only thing required is help.

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