Good News for dog lovers across our Capital City, Animal Welfare Board of India has asked Delhi Development Authority to re-allow entry to dogs in colony parks. This move is a pleasant breather for the pet dogs who previously were banned from entering parks. It is a profound step recognizing the rights and equal status of animals. Prejudices must make an exit for an ideal state of animal welfare and such schemes can suitably be implemented with the cooperation of residents including the non-pet owners.
Some guidelines have been laid out for a smooth functioning of said scheme. DDA has been directed to fix time slots whereby dogs can enter parks for purposes of adequate exercise and walks. This way other residents in the area will be aware of the timings allotted to dog entry and can plan their visit accordingly. Another safety measure to be observed requires an adult caretaker to be present with the canine. Under the arrangement the pet needs to be appropriately leashed while being walked. Dogs previously denied this privilege can benefit a great deal from socialization opportunities and exercises in a large natural setting. Image: Scraps & Rags K9 Blog
Dog parents living in apartments often find it difficult to offer the desired mental and physical stimulation to their furry babies. The lack of it leads to concerning health issues in the pet. Walking dogs along roadsides is quite unsafe. Sidewalks too don’t offer a smooth stroll with pedestrian traffic plying on them.
The Animal Welfare Board of India has encompassed pointers for ensuring cleanliness in parks at all times and an approach to encourage responsible pet parenting. The dog owners will have to bring along scoops to pick up and discard pet waste in bins stationed in parks for the purpose. Boards will be erected with these guidelines to spread the message loud and clear to pet parents.
RWAs of Delhi colonies/residential areas have been asked to swiftly begin work on the new directions and ensure seamless implementation of the formal plan.
Read Full Story at India Times