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English Bulldog Dog Breed Information

English Bulldog Dog Breed Information

Nov 05

The English bulldog (also known as Bulldog or British Bulldog) is a medium sized dog with short legs, and wide and muscular built.  Some other popular breeds of Bulldog include Olde English Bulldogge, and French Bulldog. The Bulldog has wrinkles on his face which are formed by extra skin on skull and forehead. According to the American Kennel Club, Bulldogs were fifth in popularity in 2013 in the US. The present article will explain each and every aspect related to this dog. Read on...

Breed Name English Bulldog
Origin England
Other Names Bulldog, British Bulldog
Lifespan 8-10 years
Breed Group Non sporting (AKC), companion dogs
Size Type Medium Breed Dog
Height about 12 - 16 inches (31 - 40 cm)
Weight Males 53 - 55 pounds (24 - 25 kg) and  Females 49 - 51 pounds (22 - 23 kg)
Temperament Sociable, sweet, friendly, easygoing, playful
Coat Color Black, brindle, brown, red, white, yellow
Coat characteristics Fine and short
What to feed 1/2 to 2 cups of a high-quality dog food should be feed to bulldog. This amount of feed should be divided into two meals.
Litter Size 4-5  puppies
Training needs Training a Bulldog is very simple. The dog can be stubborn at times but usually learns the things quickly.
Living Conditions The dog is a good apartment dweller.
Exercise requirement Bulldogs love to go on walks in cool weather. The dog will also adjust his activity level according to your family.
Health Concerns

EntropionCherry EyeBrachycephalic SyndromeHip dysplasiaBrachycephalic Syndrome

Demodectic mange

Patelllar luxation

Bred For Originally bulldogs were bred for competing in bull-baiting. Now-a-days, they are great companion dogs.
Similar Dogs French bulldog, Bull terrier, Chinese Shar-pie, Bullmastiff

Interesting facts about Bulldogs:

  • Bulldogs are not good swimmers and most bulldogs can’t swim at all.
  • Bulldogs were originally bred to compete in bull baiting from where the word ‘bull’ became associated with their name.
  • Bulldogs are very sensitive to heat, they can’t bear high temperatures. Any temperature more than 24 degree Celsius will annoy them.
  • Among famous celebrities, Leonardo DiCaprio, Reese Witherspoon, Hugh Jackman, David Beckham, Ashely Olsen, Martha Stewart, and Zac Efron own Bulldogs.
  • Due to their respiratory and heat sensitive issues, Bulldogs have suffered most airline deaths.
  • 80 % of the Bulldogs are delivered by caesarean section as their large head makes it difficult to deliver him by natural birth.
  • Bulldogs are big time foodie, and love to eat a lot. Therefore, they are more prone to obesity.
  • Bulldogs don’t like it when you yell at them, or tease or pinch them.
  • Bulldogs are stubborn at times, so you need to show dominance some times when handling them.
  • If trained properly, English Bulldogs make good watch dogs.
  • Bulldogs can run at a speed of 24 kmph.

Is English Bulldog right breed for you?

An English Bulldog is ideal for you if you want a dog who: An English Bulldog may not ideal for you if you don’t want to deal with:
  • Barks rarely
  • Is lazy and doesn’t need much exercise.
  • If you are okay with a dog who keeps on laying on the couch for the whole day
  • Is easy going and affectionate
  • Has an easy to care coat and less grooming requirements
  • Is moderately sized
  • A dog who loves to eat too much
  • A dog who is stubborn and does something at any cost if he has decided to do it
  • A dog who snorts, snuffles, wheezes, grunts and snores loudly
  • A dog who is costly to take care of
  • A dog with flatulence
  • A dog who has short life span and is prone to various health problems

 Some famous English Bulldogs:

  • Handsome Dan, the mascot of Yale University
  • Tyson, the skateboarding Bulldog of internet fame
  • Herman is the bulldog owned by the swimmer Michael Phelps
  • Jacques is known for his celebrity owner Brad Pitt.

More information on the English Bulldog:



Today’s Bulldog is not like his ancestors used to be. The breed was first bred in England for competing in a bloody sport called bull baiting. In bull baiting, a dog used to grab onto the bull's nose followed by shaking it in a rough manner. Bull baiting was done to thin the blood of bull and to tenderize its meat. Also, bull baiting was organized to entertain the crowd when there were no TV sets and video games.

Since, early bulldogs were bred only to compete in bull baiting, they were heavier and taller than the bulldogs we see today. Moreover, earlier Bulldogs had more aggression.

When the bull-baiting was no more allowed in England in 1835, many people though that bulldogs will be no longer in existence as they had no other purpose. Then, bulldogs were not as affectionate as they are today and they were looked upon as dangerous dogs. At that time, few people who admired bulldog for his stamina and strength, decided to save the breed. Then, bulldogs were bred to develop a dog with sweet and sociable nature and gentle temperament. The process of re-engineering bulldogs with calm temperament was started by selecting the dogs which were quiet for breeding purpose.

By eliminating the aggressive dogs from the reproduction process and focusing more on calm dogs, breeders were on their way to develop gentle and affectionate bulldogs which make wonderful pets now a days.

The newly developed Bulldogs were shown in conformation shows in England in 1859.  The first dog show where Bulldogs were allowed to be shown was at Birmingham, England in 1860 and next year, a Bulldog named King Dick won at the show.

Year 1864 witnessed the formation of the first Bulldog breed club of about 30 members which was formed by a man named R.S. Rockstro. A club member named Samuel Wickens used the pseudonym Philo-Kuon to write the first breed standard. However, the club ran for three years only.

In 1880, Donald, a brindle and white Bulldog, was shown in a show in New York in 1880. Bulldogs got recognition in American Kennel Club in 1886 when a dog named Bob was registered with AKC. The Bulldog Club of America was founded in 1890. The Bulldog Club of America developed the American standard for the breed in 1894 after using British standard for three years. The Bulldogs gained popularity in 1940s and 1950s, and were close to the top 10 breeds in terms of popularity. It is not less than a wonder and victory of human intelligence to develop a new breed which has characters completely opposite to their ancestors. Today, Bulldog is known as one of the friendliest and calm dog breeds despite of their bloody past.


With short legs, and massive body and head, the English Bulldog is a compact dog of medium size. There is some extra skin on the skull and forehead of the dog which falls in folds and gives a wrinkle like appearance. The cheeks of the dog are enlarged to the sides of the eyes. The muzzle of the dog is wide and short. The large nostrils of the dog make its nose look broad. The dog has deep and dark eyes. Ears of the dog are set high on the head, and are small and thin. Massive jaws of the dog make it look broad and square.

The dog has pointed teeth and drooping lips. The tail of the dog may be straight or screwed and carried low. The coat of the dog is sleek, short, smooth, glossy and flat. There are various coat colors which include various shades of brindle, white, solid red, fawn, fallow, piebald, or pale yellow or washed-out red.

In UK, the average weight of a mature male is 50 pounds and average weight of a female bulldog is 40 pounds. In the US, the average weight of a fully grown male is 45-55 pounds while that of an adult female is about 45 pounds. Bulldogs with a straight tail are more desirable than other bulldogs.


Bulldog is generally sociable and sweet but that doesn’t mean that bulldog lacks courage. When this dog can participate in bull baiting, this dog has enough courage. The courage of the dog makes him a perfect watchdog. The bulldog loves to remain calm and doesn’t bark unnecessarily, and is not involved in fights.

A bulldog is not very lively and loves to stay calm most of the time. Sometimes, this dog can be stubborn otherwise the bulldog is friendly and easygoing. Bulldogs have average intelligence and take their time to learn anything new. Bulldog is kind to people and can become friends with someone easily.

The personality of a bulldog can be affected by its socialization, heredity and training. You can find bulldog puppies who approach people by themselves and there are bulldog puppies also who don’t like to gel up with people. It all depends on their training and socialization.

Like most of the dog breeds, it is important to socialize bulldog puppies to various people, sounds, experiences and sights at their early age. Socialization is important for the all round development of your puppy. If required, you can provide him professional training or enroll him in puppy kindergarten classes.



Bulldogs are likely to catch certain diseases. As a responsible pet owner, you should have knowledge about various diseases which can affect your dog. First of all, for the good health of your dog, you should buy from a responsible breeder who will provide you a healthy puppy.  A good breeder will provide you a puppy which has been vaccinated and dewormed. It is also important that both the parents get health clearance for eyes, hips, elbows and knees etc.

Presented below is a list of conditions which may affect your bulldog:

  • Dry Eye: Dry eye disease is caused by the scarcity of natural tear production. The eyes of your dog will look dry or a blue haze will appear on them when dry disease affects your dog. In any such case, a visit to the vet is recommended.
  • Entropion: When the eyelashes turn inward and start rubbing against the eye, it will cause irritation to the eye of the dog. A surgery may be required to treat the problem.
  • Cherry Eye: When the gland under the third eyelid extends above the surface, it looks rather like a cherry in eye’s corner. The condition should be taken seriously and a visit to the vet is required.
  • Reverse Sneezing: It can’t be termed as a health problem and usually occurs when your dog gets something in his nose. It is not a serious problem and your dog will calm by himself.

Brachycephalic Syndrome: English bulldogs have a structure which makes them easily prone to this disease. Dogs with short heads and narrowed nostrils are likely to catch the disorder. Snuffling and snorting occur frequently in dogs with this syndrome. Oxygen therapy can be given to treat the condition; however treatment depends on the severity of the condition.

Head Shakes. When your dog is involuntarily shaking his upside down and side to side, it may be a reason to worry for you.  In such condition, the dog can be violent and it is also a sign or stress and low blood sugar. If the blood sugar is low, some honey can be fed to the dog so that blood sugar level comes up. If the problem still persists, it is time to take her to the vet.

Demodectic mange: This disease is caused by a demodex mite which is carried by all dogs. Although, this mite can’t cause disease in all dogs but dogs with a suppressed immune system can be affected by demodectic mange.  It is a skin disease and mainly affects young dogs. These mites are very small and live inside the hair follicles. The dogs with demodectic mange can develop isolated lesions. These isolated lesions are characterized by hair loss and red skin. The disease is diagnosed by skin scraping. Topical skin medications are recommended by vet for the treatment of this disease.

  • Hip Dysplasia: This is a serious and heritable disease in dogs in which the thighbone of the dog doesn't fit comfortably into the hip joint. Since bulldogs have thin hip joints, they suffer more from hip dysplasia. If bulldogs become overweight, they are more likely to suffer from more other problems related to lameness. Supplementation can be done if your bulldog is suffering from hip dysplasia.
  • Patellar luxation: This problem is more common in young dogs  and is caused when the patella is not properly lined up. Severity in this problem can also lead to arthritis and other joint problems in bulldogs.
  • Tail Problems: Any type of tail in bulldogs can lead to skin problems. It is suggested to keep the tail clean to make sure that no skin infection is there.


Bulldogs are lazy most of the time and don’t need much exercise. A daily walk is sufficient for them to stay in a good shape. They love to relax on couch for the whole day and can take a nap after every 15 minutes or so. Since these dogs have a moderate to low level of energy, they are ideal for an apartment. When the weather is pleasant, they love to go on walks.

Bulldogs are sensitive to heat and can’t bear high temperatures. They will start breathing heavily when exposed to high temperatures. If you are living in a multi-storey apartment in a warm area, it is necessary to have an air-conditioner. Because of their body structure, Bulldogs are not good swimmers too, so it is advised to take your pet near water bodies. And, if you are doing so, always carry a puppy life jacket. Always provide your dog plenty of fresh water.

Bulldogs have average intelligence but when he learns something, chances are less that he will forget it. Positive reinforcement along with treats is the best way to teach your bulldog.


Recommended daily amount for bulldogs is 1/2 to 2 cups of a high-quality dog food daily. This quantity of food can be given to your dog into two meals.

Just like any other living creature, diet f a bulldog depends on his metabolism, built, age and level of activity. A dog with more activity level will need more food than a dog who hardly does exercise.

You should feed your dog only the best quality food as it will provide your bulldog more nutrition and keep the diseases away. Bulldogs are big time eaters and they love eating. So there are chances that your bulldog gets obese easily. To avoid it, make sure that your bulldog gets enough amount of exercise. Obesity can lead to problems in joint and hips of your bulldog. If a bulldog is irritated or disturbed while eating, it can lead to dangerous behavior from your dog’s side.

Don’t leave food to your dog all the time, rather feed him twice a day to ensure that your dog doesn’t overeat.


Keep the coat of your bulldog straight, soft, smooth and glossy by grooming on frequent basis.

The coat of the dog should be brushed with a bristle brush every seven days. You can take care of your dog’s face by wiping his face with a damp cloth every day. Also, when cleaning his face you should take care of wrinkles and clean them too. Also, dry the inside of wrinkles completely after they are washed. Baby wipes which contain lanolin and aloe vera can also be used for cleaning the face.

Bulldog's nose should be washed properly followed by applying petroleum jelly so that it remains soft and wet. Sometimes, it is recommended to brush your bulldog twice a week. This will reduce the shedding from your bulldog.

Dental care is another important aspect of bulldog’s grooming. Nails of your bulldog should be trimmed at least once in every twenty days. Brush the teeth of your bulldog every second or third day so that the bacteria are removed and no tartar is deposited.

Also make sure that there are no rashes or redness on the skin or ear of the dog.  Make sure that skin remains soft and your dog smells good. Also, clean dog’s ear on a regular basis.

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