If you are thinking of bringing a kitten home, you first have to make sure that you are capable enough of providing it enough care and nourishment. A six week kitten is not that hard to look after but it will definitely require some dedication from your side. The very first thing which a kitten or any pet requires, irrespective of its age, is love. But as far as feeding is concerned, you have to take special care of it. Scroll down to know how to feed a six week old kitten:
When a kitten enters in fifth or sixth week, you should try to put it on solid foods. It should be weaned off after four weeks. However, weaning is a gradual process. You should try giving kittens a mixture of KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) and dry kitten food (3:1) or KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) and wet kitten food (2:1). You can decrease the amount of liquid as the kitten ages. A sudden change in diet may upset the stomach of the young kitty.
Typically, you need to feed a 6 week old kitten four to five times a day as stomach of kitten at such age is small and it can’t eat much food in one go. When you are purchasing food for six week old kitten, ensure that you are buying food that is “kitten specific". Kitten specific food is specially formulated for kittens and is labeled as “or growth and reproduction.”
Kitten specific commercial food has enough amounts of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals which ensure proper growth of young kittens. Also, provide your young kitty a lot of fresh water to drink. Offer it water in a shallow dish so that it doesn’t drown accidently. When it becomes habitual of drinking safely, you can offer water in a large, deep bowl.
The Bottom Line:
Feeding is one of the most important aspects of responsible pet ownership. You will need to make various changes in your lifestyle as well with the addition of new furry friend. Since you are it’s everything now, it is your duty to make sure that your kitty grows happy and healthy.