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How to Train a Dachshund?

How to Train a Dachshund?

Nov 05

Dachshunds are known for their independent streak and a wilfulness of their own. Though, they are quite lovable, training them needs a lot of patience and perseverance. Besides patience, one needs to be quite persistent and firm with this dog as they can easily get diverted. They are considered as difficult to train because of their “admirable” qualities. If trained in a proper way, this dog can turn out to be an exceptional family dog.


Importance of Dachshund Training

Having decided to train your Dachshund pet, you need to be prepared for several gruelling training sessions. You also need to take care of certain factors when training this dog. Since, these dogs have a mind of their own and they are quite strong willed animals, they must be trained keeping these traits in mind. The saving grace is that these dogs easily forget what happened in the past and live only in the present. This is a fine breed and if trained, they can turn out to be good watchdogs and adorable companions. Proper training can help in subduing the aggressive streak seen in them and they can become a little mellower.


Useful Training Equipment and Accessories for Dachshund

Before embarking on a training session with your pet, check out an exhaustive range of pet training equipment available these days. The use of these tools and rewards help in making the training sessions easier and smoother. Dachshund needs a lot of exercise and using certain toys, the level of exercise can be enhanced. Just taking him out for his customary walk a few times in a day is not enough for this dog to stay active and retain its energy level. Various other exercises are needed by this dog to stay active. Certain toys are meant for ensuring proper exercise for these dogs and if they are shut in the house for the whole day, they tend to get irritable. Also, if you do not provide training to your pet, actually, you are risking his life. Thus, it is important to ensure strong training of these beautiful animals.

Types of Training Methods for Dachshund

A variety of training methods are used to train a Dachshund. Some of them are-

  • Clicker Training

In Dachshund, clicker training should begin as soon as it is brought home. As the name suggests, a clicker is used to make sharp sounds. Leash training can also begin simultaneously and use of a clicker helps when you are making your pet used to wearing a leash. When during the training session, you must use clicker every time your dog behaves in a desirable manner. The dog must also be rewarded with a nice treat.

  • Positive Reinforcements

When training dachshunds, using positive reinforcement can do wonders as it focuses on desirable behavior or reinforcing good behavior with the help of rewards. Toys, food, treats, play time and most important of all, praise, both physical and oral can help in reinforcing positive behavior. It has been found that most of the dachshunds are quite food crazy and they are ready to do anything for their favorite food. Thus, you can use food as the perfect reward whenever you want to reinforce a particular behavior in your pet.

  • Pack Leader Method

This is one of the most popular methods used when it comes to training a strong willed dachshund. Though, there is a difference of opinions when it comes to using this method, many professional dog trainer uses this method to elicit desirable results. Since dachshunds are quite stubborn in nature, establishing a leader-pack relationship between its owner and the dog helps a lot.

Different Trainings Required for Dachshund

When training your Dachshund, certain factors need to be taken care of, such as:


  • The socialization process of dachshunds must begin as soon as they brought home.
  • This will reduce the chances of the dog becoming aggressive, fearful or stressed when faced with a situation when socialization is required


  • It is important that the dog is trained to be obedient right from the early stage
  • Basic commands must be made to understand like stay, sit, stand, etc., to ensure proper behavior

Do’s and Don’ts in Providing Training to Dachshund

Do’s Don’ts
Use soft but firm voice when training your pet Never yell, be violent or shout at your dog
Be persistent with the training session Stay positive despite training sessions becoming difficult to sustain
Use rewards and positive reinforcement Do not reward your dog when he indulges in undesirable behavior

 Tips to Make the Training Task Easy for Dachshund

  • Be patient while training your dog as dachshund may require a little more training when compared with other dogs.
  • Be very gentle but firm when training him so that he doesn’t shy away from training.

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