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Is your dog seriously ill? Locate with these 7 signs!

Is your dog seriously ill? Locate with these 7 signs!

Oct 29

For every pet owner, his pet is an important part of his family and life. Just as he cares for his kids, he also ensures that his pet is comfortable, fit, healthy and active. Despite taking a lot of care, sometimes people are not able to identify the signs that something is seriously wrong with their pets.

Since pets cannot tell about their troubles, it is up to the pet owner to look for signs that can tell them if their pet is not feeling well. Here, we provide you with a list of common symptoms that can help you identify if your dog is sick-

Symptom 1- Unusual weight gain or loss

Although, a slight fluctuation in weight is quite normal, but if it increases or decreases at an alarming pace in a short period of time, it is no doubt a matter of grave concern. Many times, when we change the amount of food being given to the pet, a change in its weight can be seen. Moreover, if the daily exercise time has been increased or reduced, it will surely have an impact on the weight of the animal, which is totally normal. But if the changes are unexpected and too pronounced to ignore, it is clear that something is not right with the health of your pet.

Symptom 2- Loss of appetite

Usually pets love to gorge on food and if it is their favorite food, they would love to have more on their plate. If you find that your dog is not eating as it used to and a marked loss in its appetite is being seen, it is indicative of something wrong with its health. There are many problems that may make your pet turn its face away from the food. If it is no too serious, it can be just because of fever, but in serious cases it may be due to kidney or liver disease or generalized and local infection. If the situation continues, it is best to seek a consultation with the veterinarian for a proper check up.

Symptom 3- Energy Loss

If you find your adorable pet acting quite dull and lethargic, it may be because it is not feeling well. They may not be showing their exuberant self as always in family activities or may not interact with the owner as well as strangers, as it used to. If you find them holed in a corner looking for some peace and quiet more often than not, it means that something is not right with them and they need an immediate medical attention.

Symptom 4- Becoming Hot Tempered

You may be proud of your pet’s moderate temperament and its happy go lucky attitude, but when you witness a sudden change in its behavior, it is no doubt an alarming change. If your pet gets angry at the drop of the hat, and abhor being cuddled or jostled as it used to, it means it may be sick or feeling pain or aches in its body. It may be feeling feverish and its temperature may be more than 102.8 degrees, which may be due to any infection in the body. The grouchiness of the pet must not be taken lightly as there may be a medical reason behind the same. A visit to a veterinarian is a must when you notice this symptom in your adorable companion.

Symptom 5- Vomiting

If your dog is vomiting and feeling quite uncomfortable, it may be due to stomach infection. As soon as they start feeling uncomfortable, they do not allow the food to stay in their stomach and immediately vomit. This is their natural way of removing anything that may be a cause for trouble. The esophagus’s voluntary muscle fibers help them in vomiting easily. If your pet is vomiting a lot and continues for a long time, say more than half a day, you must immediately take it to the doctor for a thorough checkup. Ensure that it drinks water from time to time, otherwise it may suffer from dehydration.

Symptom 6- Shedding more than normal

It has been seen that when the dogs are feeling highly stressed, which can be due to any situation or due to any illness, they start shedding more than normal. This profuse shedding is also a clear indication that something is not right with its health. If this symptom is associated with dander and flaky skin, it may be due to illness. Inadequate nutrition is also a reason behind excessive shedding. Take your pet to a veterinarian and get its complete check up done to ensure that everything is fine.

Symptom 7- Drinking too little water

When a dog refuses to drink water and its condition is accompanied by other symptoms like vomiting or appetite loss, it may be due to stress or any medical condition. It has been generally seen that if a dog is exposed to a new condition, like travelling, it may avoid drinking water and it is normal. But, if it avoids drinking water altogether, it may be a serious medical issue that needs to be checked immediately.

Thus, the above signs and symptoms can help in identifying if there is any medical issue plaguing your beloved pet and allow you to do something about it.


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