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List of Dog Breeds that Start with Alphabet ‘G’

Mar 05
Breed Name Origin Description
German Longhaired Pointer
German Longhaired Pointer are gentle and intelligent Breed.They only make good pets when properly exercised.These Dog Breeds are very Trainable and loves to play with Children.
 Medium Sized Dog
German Pinscher
German Pincher is a loving companion with other Dogs.German Pinschers are very energetic working dogs.A well-bred German Pinscher can be trusted with small animals and children
 Medium Sized Dog
German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog are highly active and self Assured. These Dog breeds Always try to learn.These Dog Breeds known to work for Working Dogs.
Large Sized Dog
German Shorthaired Pointer
German Shorthaired Pointers requires a lot of exercise and space to run.These Dog Breeds are Highly active and also works for a working Dog.
Medium or Large Sized Dog
German Spitz
German Spitz is active dog breeds.These Dog Breeds may Vary in Different Color.These Dog Breeds Needs Regular Grooming.
Medium Sized Dog
German Wirehaired Pointer
German Wirehaired Pointer are eager, enthusiastic, enjoying working dogs. They can retrieve both in land and in water
Large size Dog
Giant Schnauzer
These are very quiet dog breed, which has potential to aggressive but usually reserved. They are loyal and alert
Medium sized Dog
Glen of Imaal Terrier
These dogs are energetic, even-tempered, and easy going. They do well with different types of training.
Small Sized Dog
Golden Retriever
They are good family pet that are known for their affectionate behavior. These obedient dogs require regular grooming and occasional bath
Medium-Large  sized
Gordon Setter
These dog breeds are alert and confident. Socialization and training important in an early stage.
Large sized Dog
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
Known for cute eyes and sooth coat, originally these dogs were used for hunting deer and rabbit
Small Sized Dog
Great Dane
Germany These dogs are friendly in nature and need attention from owners. They need walk every day.
Large sized Dog
Great Pyrenees
France and Spain
They are independent and reserved dog breed. These are known for their attentive temperament.
Large sized Dog
Great Swiss Mountain Dog
These dog breeds are active, calm and social. Due to their high intelligence level, they are easy to train.
Large Sized Dog
US & England
These are gentle and intelligent dogs. They are not so aggressive and also one of the healthiest dog breeds.
Large Sized Dog
Golden Doodle
North America & Australia
Golden Doodle is a Cross Breed obtained by Breeding a Golden retriever with Poodle.These Dog Breeds are affectionate with peoples and othjer pets.Make great bonding with owner and companion.
Goldendoodle Large Sized Dog

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