10 Month old Belgian Malinois puppy Rylee fell off a Boat in Lake Michigan, Swam 6 Miles, ran another dozen, only to Find its Human Parents.
This is a true story of a mishap that meets a happy ending. It must have been the scariest 24 hours for Edward Casas 56, and his 49 year old wife Kristen Casas when their 10 month old pup, Rylee fell off their ship into the water of Lake Michigan. A mechanical snag in the couple’s boat got Edward busy with trying to fix the problem in the engine room, while his wife handled the steering of the boat.
Rescued Rylee, the marathon dog seen above with the LDST team (Image source:MASHABLE)
The couple was sidetracked for hardly a few minutes by the mechanical issue only to regain realization that their dog had gone missing from the boat, & neither could be seen in the expanse of the waters.
Edward sent out a Mayday via the radio and fortunately a fisherman reverted to the distress call and connected the couple to his wife Lynn Fiedor who happened to run the Lost Dog Search Team, a volunteer group in the vicinity.
Belgian Malinois is a physically active, intelligent and strong dog breed. Fiedor was quite hopeful that Rylee would manage to find its owners. Lynn was quick to alert the forest rangers, coast guard and even informed the local sheriff’s office regarding the missing dog. A notice of the same was shared on her official Facebook Page as well.
Good News however poured in with a call to Lynn from an unknown lady the day after the mishap took place, claiming to have seen the dog around the Platte river campsite. The couple had to race against time to reach the site before Rylee may be lost again.
The 10 month old puppy was estimated to have swum for more than 6 miles and then cover another 12 miles through woods on foot before it found its human parents at the respective campground.
Lynn Fiedor shared with the Casas’ some wise tips and tricks to draw lost dogs. The couple was advised to spray their vehicle with their scent mark. Later the couple waited at the site with Ryle’s favorite toys and food.
It just took a little squeak from the pooch’s toy and from the wilderness appeared the joyous Rylee, ever so happy to see her parents waiting in anticipation!
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