Miniature Schnauzer is one of the popular dogs in USA, Germany and England. This dog breed is extrovert in nature with full of energy. This American Kennel Club breed dogs are known for their alertness, obedience and full of spirit.
Breed Name: Miniature Schnauzer
Origin: Germany
Other Names: Zwergschnauzer
Appearance: Miniature Schnauzer has rectangular head, small with sturdily built body and small eyes. They have V-shaped ears with black nose. These dog breeds have bushy beard, mustache and eyebrows. Mostly found in solid black, salt and pepper, black and silver, or white. They are very playful, energetic and intelligent dog. They are considered as good family dog and obedient by nature.
Lifespan: 12-14 Years
Height: 12-14 inches
Weight: 10-15 pounds
What to Feed: Miniature Schnauzer should eat foods which are full of Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates and Fiber. Dairy products will act as an add-on if provided. They should be fed with plant foods, legumes, and cereal grains such as rice, oats and barley; nuts or seeds. Fish oil and meats can be given as supplements. Divide Miniature Schnauzer’s daily ratio into two meals per day, and provide clean, fresh water throughout the day. Decrease the daily food amount if you cannot feel the ribs, and vice-versa.
How To Take Care: They do require very much attention on a daily basis and they should comb and brush regularly. Their beard and hairs demand proper cleaning and cutting. They also need exercise daily.