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Puli Dogs - Caring Information With Pictures

Puli Dogs - Caring Information With Pictures

Nov 04

 Puli dogs always attract attention due to their unique appearance and looks. They have a long coat which resembles like dreadlocks. This also makes them look much bigger than their actual size. They are cute and adorable dogs. Pulis was bred as a ‘herding dog’ so by nature, he is a very hard working dog. This breed is also a great family companion.

Puli dogs are very active, intelligent and confident dogs. They remain active and happy till advanced age. Puli dogs were bred as herding dogs so they have a tendency to circle around people and herd them. This is their basic instinct. They are medium sized dog with very different and unique appearance with their long and curly coat. Sometimes we can’t make out whether they are coming or going so they have a nickname of –push me-pull me.

Training – Basic dog training is must for your pet. Well trained dogs can enjoy more time with the family. Some people train their dogs at home while some take services of professional trainers. Dogs are trained in basic house training like – socializing, obedience, potty training, etc.


It is not very difficult to train a Puli dog. This breed is very active and eager to learn. They follow commands easily. To train them, it is important that the person who is training them should exhibit authority.

Nutrition - Proper and healthy diet is must to keep your dog’s health and development. It is very important for their agility and growth. Many varieties of dog food are available in the market and you can buy the best as per your liking and budget. Puli dogs are not very fussy about food. Their diet demand is not very specific. Usually you can feed your dog twice a day. Clean water should always be made available for your dog.

Grooming and Coat – You must keep your dog neat and clean. It is good for their health. Right grooming is a must. Grooming isn’t only about taking care of the coat; which normally people assume. It is taking care of overall well being of the dog. It is all about hygiene and keeping your dog in good health.


[Best Grooming tips for Dogs - "Dog Grooming Basics Tips and Techniques " ]

The coat of Puli doesn’t shed much. Regular brushing and combing will keep the coat in good condition. You can trim the coat and maintain the proper length. The curly coat should be handled with great care and a wide tooth comb must be used to untangle its hair. Use a good quality shampoo to give a proper bath. You should bathe your dog 3-4 times in a year. Use a proper size bath tub and always use clean towels. Nails should be trimmed at least once a month. Keep his ears clean.

How much to feed – Proper and healthy diet is essential for the health and long life of your dog. Every dog has a different appetite depending on their breed and size. Feeding healthy food in appropriate quantity is essential.Usually dogs should be fed twice a day. You can choose from a variety of dog food available in the market.

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