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Puppy Bladder Infection Symptoms

Puppy Bladder Infection Symptoms

Mar 17

Puppies are often susceptible to the bladder infection. As puppies tend to urinate frequently, the symptoms of this medical condition often go unnoticed. The bladder infection occurs when bacteria enters into the bladder and proliferate there.

Any puppy can suffer from bladder infection, though female puppies are more likely to get this disease. Since this disease irritates the organ, it increases the dog’s urge to urinate often. Urine might also be tinged with blood or cloudy. This type of infections can also lead to the bladder stones (and vice versa). Therefore, you should visit your vet at the early stage of this infection.

Pets suffering from the bladder infection have the urge of urination even when there is little urine present. Pets will frequently pass small amounts of urine, and their urine is often tinged with blood. In addition to this, constant straining and squatting without passing much urine or having urinary accidents in the house are the typical indicators of urinary tract infection in your puppy.


Urinary tract infection in your pet can change the chemical makeup of the urine, making it easier for minerals present in the urine to crystallize and form stones. These bladder stones can create places for bacteria to hide from bodily antibiotics and defenses. Furthermore, these bladder stones can block the outflow of urine, which is a serious emergency situation. Puppies with the urinary obstruction can have a painful, swollen abdomen and strain repeatedly without passing urine. Some other symptoms of bladder infections in puppies are:

  • Frequent urination in unusual places
  • Foul smelling urine
  • Puppy strains to urinate
  • Pet cries while urinating
  • Listlessness
  • Pet experiences pain when the abdomen in touched

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