If you don’t have Animal Welfare on your agenda we wouldn’t vote you into power. This is the mood and fervor amid animal lovers in India, particularly Bengaluru. Politicians dwelling on vote-bank politics will have to win the loyalty of a new community of animal lovers to be chosen to power in democratic elections. This ambience is brought about by ‘India Unites for Animals’, a national movement against animal abuse. The peaceful protest flagged off in Bengaluru on the 16th of October to bring to light instances of animal cruelty in the city itself. Animal activist Jen Lopaz elaborated upon the shortfalls in the PCA act of 1960 and the need to immediately pass a new animal welfare bill with harsher punishments for offenders.
‘India Unites for Animals’ aims to mobilize animal lovers across the entire nation to help spread awareness in more than 80 cities in India and may soon turn into Asia’s first ever event of such a magnitude involving extremely large numbers of people coming together to campaign for animal rights. Last month Mumbai too witnessed its share of IUFA and animal welfare crusaders.
Zero tolerance to Animal abuse is the motto
The movement highlights the flaws in the archaic Prevention of cruelty to Animals (PCA) act of 1960 that does little to guarantee protection to animals suffering at hands of mindless and callous humans. It solemnly demands changes in the existing PCA act and doing away with petty fines of Rs. 10 & Rs. 50 for animal abusers. The event held at Town Hall, Bengaluru saw a turnout of around 220 supporters dressed in either black or yellow. IUFA represents campaigners still mulling over the horrors of the Bhadra case and the death of Shaktiman (the gallant police horse), a conscious lot demanding justice for the above and numerous other victims of animal cruelty.
Horrendous and shameful acts of torturing animals are rampant all across India. If the Case of children burning living puppies in Hyderabad wasn’t spine-chilling enough perhaps boys cooking a dog alive to feed on its meat in Bangalore could underline the gravity of the issue and sickness ingrained in the human mind. Talking about Karnataka, the state High Court had passed a ruling to exterminate stray dogs to curtail their menace even if they haven’t attacked any people. Villagers of Myduru village, Karnataka beat up a leopard to death and then celebrated and clicked a picture with the dead body of the big cat. Cases of large numbers of dogs being poisoned and villagers killing a vulnerable crocodile too have surfaced in this state.
ALSO READ: PETA INDIA's response to "India Unites for Animal Day"
Let’s delve a little deeper into the role of government directly or indirectly endorsing Animal Abuse. Mumbai zoos began housing penguins under the shelter of government and the tragic instance where recently hundreds of Neelgais/blue bulls (an endangered species) were shot to death by forest officers armed with machine guns in Bihar in a bid to rid crop lands of vermin. In a shocking move Goa state assembly proposed to reclassify India’s National Bird, the peacock as a nuisance animal/vermin a few months ago, in order to make it simpler to cull the magnificent bird.India Unites for Animals has launched a massive protest across the nation simultaneously covering a close to 100 major Indian cities to demand justice for animals without any compromise. A revolution of sorts albeit a peaceful one may turn into the biggest protest of Independent India, getting together individuals echoing a cause as pristine as the being of animals itself. To be a part of the peaceful revolution call 180030005581
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