If you own a dog, you know he or she is an integral aspect of your life. Nothing in this world can replace the unconditional love that a dog offers to human beings. They will always be there to cuddle you if you have come home after having faced a bad day.
But do you think your dogs are happy with just those belly rubs you give occasionally? It seems like these innocent souls desire more than those sweet gestures. You can often see them asking you for something with their cute, desperate looks.
In this blog, we will discuss all the things that your dog probably will say to you if they had the ability to speak. By doing these favours to your dog, you can keep them super-happy and more motivated than now.
So, let us begin,
1) Toys of their Own
Just like the way you keep your things, dogs also need stuff that belongs exclusively to them. This can include food bowls, dog bed and most importantly, dog toys. Toys are equivalent to the crosswords or puzzles we humans do for mental stimulation. When dogs play with toys, they get a rewarding feeling that counters most of their stress.
Toys are also great at preventing problems such as excessive barking, unwanted chewing and other undesirable behaviours. You will notice that your dogs start valuing you more since you are the ones who provided them with their favourite toys.
2) Delicious Treats
Dogs, just like us, need delicious treats once in a while for tickling their taste buds. They can do anything for you to obtain their favourite dog treats. It is absolutely fine if they are given their cheat meal from time to time.
Just ensure that you are not giving them human foods like chocolate, grapes, onions and resins as these are all highly toxic for dogs. Also avoid highly spicy foods as they can trigger diarrhea and vomiting in them.
3) Peaceful Nap in a Quiet Spot
Please do not think that your dogs can sleep anywhere, anytime just because they doze off very quickly. They hate to be awakened while they are sleeping comfortably. In fact, startling your dog from deep sleep is often associated with excessive aggressiveness in them.
Move your dog bed to a safe, quiet place to let them relax for a longer period of time. Also, ensure that he does his business before going to sleep, just so you don’t have to wake due to it in the middle of the night.
4) Chest Rubs, Not Belly Rubs
If your dogs are exposing their belly, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they want belly rubs. A lot of dogs rollover to be submissive, which shows their insecurity and fear. Hence, giving them belly rubs every time they do this can be greatly annoying for them.
It is a fact that most dogs love it when they are petted on the chest. It genuinely means a gentle massage for them and makes them calm down instantly. With this gesture, you can also strengthen the overall bond between you two.
5) Exercise
Dogs really love to go and play outside. They want to explore all the unknown things in the world and make a better sense of their surroundings. Due to this reason, they might pull you out of your bed every now and then.
Please do not discourage this tendency of your dog as it is inherent in their genes to go and hunt. You can try buying them a frisbee as it will effectively satisfy their chasing instinct. Frisbees also helps a lot in burning their pent-up energy.
6) A Consistent Routine
You often see your dog coming after you when you pick up that leash. Well, it seems there is a lot of truth behind it. It is a fact that only a few pet owners know dogs really on a well-established routine. Without a pattern to follow, they may become irritable and highly anxious.
It is essential to set up a routine for your dog as it helps in maintaining excellent physical and mental health in them. At the same time, fix a schedule that will suit your lifestyle too.
To Conclude
Even though dogs are known for their unconditional love, they still have little desires and expectations from all of us. If you can fulfil some of the things mentioned above, they shall be profoundly grateful to you. After all, these are the small things that will make a memory of a lifetime.