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Tips & Tricks : How To Train a Siamese Cat

Tips & Tricks : How To Train a Siamese Cat

Oct 28

Siamese cats are considered more like dogs in their behavior and temperament. They are highly affectionate, inquisitive, intelligent, smart, fun loving and most important of all- Highly trainable! They have been blessed with a very good nature and they possess an intense need to stay in close contact with the human beings. They love to follow their owners and displat their affection for them.

They just need a loving household and they behave in a remarkably lovable manner, seldom seen among cats. They take to their owners quite fast and love to ride on the shoulders and enjoy a good time with them. Since Siamese cats live their interactions with human beings, it is easier to train them. Moreover, their intelligence and smartness makes the task easier.

Importance of a Siamese Cat Training

Training a Siamese cat is quite simple and straightforward as they are quite intelligent and smart cats. It learns a variety of amusing tricks to please their owners at a very fast pace. Simple tricks like opening the bridge or climbing on the shelves is something that these cats teach themselves. Socialization of this cat is not as difficult as other cat breeds. It is always beneficial to initiate the training form a very early stage.

Useful Training Equipment and Accessories for Siamese Cat

A variety of tools and equipment are available in the market that assists in the training of this cat.

Housebreaking Cat

If you are planning to keep your cat indoors for most of the day, it is important that you housebreak your cat and train her to use litter box. Usually, cats do their business in any corner of the house, especially at those places where they get a way to hide their mess. Many times, they use planters or potted plants for this purpose which must be immediately discouraged.


Clicker Training

This is basically a marker based training where a handheld clicker is used by the trainer, making a click sound as soon as the pet indulges in a desirable behavior. The sharp sound made by the clicker makes the cat understand the behavior expected by the trainer.

Leash Training

Many pet owners consider it totally inhumane or cruel to leash train their cats, but at the same time, it is important to understand that it is significant for the safety and security of the cat. Cats are naturally independent and as such they oppose using a leash, but when taking the cat outdoors, it is important for the cat to wear a leash and a collar. In order to ensure the same, light weight leash can be used while giving sufficient time to the cats to get acclimatized to the same.


Different Training's Required for a Siamese cat

Litter Training

  • As soon as the Siamese cat is brought home, its Litter training must begin and for this it is imperative to pick up right supplies.
  • A simple and convenient litter box must be chosen for this purpose. Place your cat in the litter box when it needs to do its “business”.
  • Doing it again and again will help him to understand that whenever he needs to do it’s “business”, he need to use this litter box.

Obedience Training

  • It is imperative that obedience training is initiated with the cat immediately as perfect relationship must be ensured with the pet right from the beginning.
  • When ensuring compliance in a Siamese cat, it is essential that you are gentle but firm with your cat.
  • Whenever the cat is displaying a disorderly behavior, firmly stop it from doing so.
  • Lock as many rooms as possible initially till you think your cat is suitably trained.
  • Keep cushions and pillows away, as these cats love to play with the pillows, but sometimes, they go overboard with the same.

[Train You Cat -How You Can Toilet Train Your Cat?]


Do’s and Don’ts in Providing Training to a Siamese cat

It should be in tabular form, such as:

Do’s Don’ts
Siamese cats are quite enchanting but while enjoying their mischievousness, you also need to be firm with them. Training of cats needs a little doggedness and fortitude, so it is important that you do not lose your cool!
Grab their notice by using their name. Do not be harsh and stern with them.
Spend quality time with them and ensure a strong bond with them. Do not make longer the training sessions unnecessarily.


Tips to Make the Training Task Easy for A Siamese cat

Certain tips can help in training your Siamese cat in the most easy manner.

  • Kick off training of your pet as soon as possible as it will help it to pick up training commands fast.
  • Be thoughtful to your cat, understand its cues and use positive reinforcement.
  • Ensure that the litter box is totally clean as a smelling litter box will discourage the cats when using them.
  • Be firm and persuasive when training your cat.



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