1. Ashera Cat - $15,000 – $100,000
Ashera Cat is on the top of our most expensive cat list. Ashera cat is a hybrid cat breed and come in different sizes and weights
2. Savannah Cat - $2,000-$50,000
Savannah Cat is also a hybrid cat breed. Savannahs are noted for their tall and slim bodies and their enormous unique ears
3. Sphynx Cat -$500-$3,000
Sphynx Cat is the most renowned hairless smooth cat breed in the world. This breed is regarded to be very robust with few health or genetic problems.
4. Peterbald -$1200 – $5,000
Peterbald is a new hairless cat breed.This Russian hairless cat breed also called as "Don Sphynx"
5. Persian cat : $500 – $5,500
The Persian is an oldest famous cat breed