Lazy owners need dogs that are easy to maintain. We have compiled a list of top dog breeds for such lazy owners who want to keep dog but don’t wish to invest a lot of time in pet maintenance.
The below listed dog breeds are perfect for lazy people. These pets are easy going and require low maintenance.
So, here are the most famous “Couch-Potato” dog breeds:
1- Chihuahua
2- Puggle
3- Bichon Frise
4- Pug
5- Bull Dog
6- King Charles Spaniel
7- Chinese Shar Pei
10- Japanese Chin
11- Lhasa Apso
12- Beagle
13- Rat Terrier
14- Clumber Spaniel
15- Cocker Spaniel
Know some more?? We would love to know your thoughts on these dog breeds? Are you a lazy dog owner yourself? Have your say, this is just the right platform for you guys! We are listening