If you notice that your canine companion is not quite himself lately, it may be because he is in pain. He could have an infection, an injury, or a disease; or maybe he is starting to feel the aches of aging. When your pet is in pain, it can be quite hard to just watch him and do nothing. There are various things that you can do for your dog.
When your dog is in pain the first thing you need to do is determine why he/she is in pain. If you are not sure why your canine companion is hurting, it is a good idea to bring him to your vet and have him examined. If you simply give medication for the pain without knowing the actual cause, you could be masking the symptoms that need immediate medical attention.
The only over the counter medicine that is safe for the canines is aspirin. Generally, it is safe to give your pet one baby aspirin per 35 pounds of his body weight. It is recommended not to give your dog Tylenol, unless it is prescribed and supervised by your vet because it has been reported to kill your pet in a matter of minutes. In addition to this, do not give your dog Ibuprofen (also known as Advil) for a long time as it can cause not only ulcers but also stomach upset. Many dogs begin vomiting within minutes from Ibuprofen.
There are many prescription medicines that your vet can give to your pet. If you are not sure about the cause of pain or it is more than a pulled muscle or arthritis, you really should bring your dog into be seen. Furthermore, sometimes a prescribed anti-inflammatory medicine works wonder and has your dog back in the working order in less time than you might think.