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What Causes Excessive Shedding In Dogs?

What Causes Excessive Shedding In Dogs?

Mar 03

All dogs shed (except American Hairless Terriers, as they are physically incapable due to their hairlessness). Most of the dogs shed year round, though some “blow their coat” seasonally, once or twice a year. If your dog is shedding excessively, there could be a number of factors including allergies, hormonal imbalances, and nutrition deficiencies.

1.Excessive shedding due to Allergies:

The hair of your dog could be falling out due to an allergic reaction to any of the following:

    • An allergy to a single ingredient in a canned or kibble food can cause hair loss
    • Something in the environment such as a dog bed, or a household cleaner
    • Medications
    • A new shampoo or soap
    • Pest bites, which can be addressed through monthly pest prevention

Complete elimination is one of the best ways to diagnose an allergic response. With the assistance of your veterinary, you should remove all possible allergens from the life of your dog until his fur grows back. Then slowly introduce these items one by one till you figure out what was the cause of allergy.


Imbalances in the thyroid hormone in your dog can cause hair to become brittle and fall out. Among dogs, hypothyroidism is a common condition, and can be treated with medication. Other hormonal issues include the under- or over-production of estrogens, testosterone, and progesterone can cause your canine companion to shed more than usual. Furthermore, during the pregnancy and lactation your dog can lose some hair. This type of hair loss is normal, but if it is excessive, you should take help from vet.

3.Nutrition deficiency or overabundance

The absence of well-balanced diet could certainly result in unwanted hair loss in your dog. You vet will perform a blood test to determine if there is a nutritional deficiency or nutritional overdose in your dog.


If there has been a big change in the environment of your home, the body of your dog could be reacting to stress. You should never rule out the emotional response of your dog. Sometimes they have physiological responses to a change in homes, a death in the family or any familial conflict. In this case, a few supplements and some extra TLC may help dog’s hair grow back.

5.Skin Conditions

A variety of skin conditions including mites, mange, ringworm, dermatitis, and bacterial or fungal infections can affect hair loss in your dog. If hair loss is patchy and spotty, with rough or tender skin beneath, see your vet. Treating the skin condition generally resolves the issue of fur.

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