The name is ball – Meatball. And now it’s famous!
Meatball is the world’s fattest cat, though not really a cause of celebration, but still a weird fact which needs to be acknowledged.
So here is how it came to the limelight: Meatball was in the charge of its last owner for the past 6 months; prior to that it was with some other master. The current owner handed it over to the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control in Phoenix (Arizona, USA), as per them the cat was ‘having accidents around the house’, and it was getting hard for them to care for it.
Currently, the cat weighs 35 pounds (15.9 kg). The reason for the cat attaining such a huge weight is not known, but Meatball has indicated the possible cause with its food preference. According to Melissa Gable, Public Information Officer of the animal center, the cat doesn’t look interested in cat food at all. Instead, the four-year old showed liking for apple sauce which is usually served with roasted food items. Melissa also added that: ‘Cat food isn’t typically going to make a cat this large’.
The center has been told that Meatball has been on cat food only, but it doesn’t seem like the case over here. Analysis of such observations does point toward the intake of human food as one of the reasons, or perhaps the biggest reason for the 35 pounds carried by Meatball.
Though the heavy weight has slowed down its movements, the cat now also carries the unofficial title of the biggest/fattest cat in the world. That’s quite a big responsibility! Jokes apart, being fat is a potential health hazard for every living being.
At present, Meatball walks properly, but after a few steps it just lies down to rest. There is glaucoma in one of its eye. On the plus side, the cat is jolly and rolls over onto its back to let people give it a good rub on the belly. Meatball also purrs, grooms itself and has a nice coat, so there is not much which is wrong with the cat.
To work on its weight, the rescue center has put it on a strict diet. And also doesn’t plan to put it for adoption, as of now.