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Is Pedigree Dog Food Good for Puppies?

Is Pedigree Dog Food Good for Puppies?

Mar 02

Cute, furry and hungry! Your puppy is ready for proper food and so it is your duty to ensure that you start him off right. Puppies grow faster and choosing the best puppy food for your new pet is a daunting task as there are innumerable dog foods available in the market. Needless to mention, it holds intrinsic worth to feed your four-legged friend with just the proper nutrition to build up strong bones, muscles and teeth. Food also plays major part in supplying all the energy that he needs to play and learn.

Why do puppies’ nutritional needs differ from adult dogs?

Puppies grow rapidly, therefore, it is the phase when they start to build up bones and muscles, and they begin to develop organs, which is a crucial stage as it is imperative to build healthy. And adult dogs are already grown up, they require diet only to maintain their bodies, so the nutritional needs are separate from puppies. Now, you might know that how your puppy needs extra ingredients to fuel his growth efficiently.

How often should you feed your puppy?

Puppies should eat three times a day from weaning through four to six months, if possible. After six months, twice-a-day feedings are fine.

Pedigree- Your puppy’s best nutrition

The Pedigree brand talks about both, dry foods, treat and snacks are also an add-on factor to its variety. It also makes foods that are meant for oral care, hip and joint health, weight control, and other health concerns. Like other brands, it categorizes the foods by age – adult, puppy, and senior foods; and by the size of the dog – small, medium, large breed.

Pedigree is an old as well as an established brand sold in grocery stores. The greatest thumbs-up feature of it is that the products are also priced to fit lower budgets.

Pedigree Food: Top 5 Ingredients Breakdown

The first five ingredients in Pedigree food products that are extremely good for puppies are:

Corn and corn gluten meal (source of lutein)– These are very effective ingredients for the proper growth of your li’ll furball. But, when they are over-used in his food as an alternative for meat proteins, it comes out as not-so-desirable food item. If your puppy doesn’t have any allergy or prone to allergies, then he can probably consume food containing corn without any problems. Corn gluten meal is a dried, reduced form of corn containing more proteins than the ordinary corns.

Poultry by-product meal– This implies that the food can be any kind of poultry. This is way better than the generic “meat” or animal” but surely not as quality as identifying the ingredient as chicken.

Brewers rice– It is used exclusively in puppy foods. So, don’t get into the thought that it is a nutritious form of rice for your puppy. This is a carb filler.

Animal fat (preserved with bha / citric acid)– It’s better if the source of the fat is named, such as chicken fat. Additionally, preserving it with citric acid is also beneficial.

Thoughts About The Top 5 Ingredients

The first five ingredients- Ground whole corn, poultry by-product meal, brewers rice, corn gluten meal (source of lutein), animal fat (preserved with bha / citric acid) of Pedigree puppy food place an emphasis on intake of proteins, although major amount of protein comes from plant/corn sources. Puppies can get healthy nutrition from these sources.

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