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How to Take Care of a Yorkie Puppy

How to Take Care of a Yorkie Puppy

Mar 02

Taking care of a Yorkie puppy is not that difficult. Love and attention are the significant needs of a Yorkie puppy. One thing you must consider that they are not as fragile as they appear. There is a need of special affection and care so that they can grow healthy and happy. If you are thinking about the ways to take proper care of your Yorkie puppy, here are some important points that you must keep in mind:


  • Provide the Yorkies a diet that is made considering their growing stage in mind. Make certain that you are feeding your Yorkie at least three times a day. Too much amount of treat will throw off their balanced diet. You can check websites for knowing more about ideal dog foods for Yorkie puppies.
  • Make sure that if you are offering them chew treats, you must look that it should not be so much hard. Such hard chew treats may cause choking in their throats. You will definitely not want any sort of accident with your pampered puppy.
  • Yorkie puppies require a break in their busy and playful routine. Make sure that they are having proper breaks and naps. For this reason, you may need to confine them. This age is best for them to understand the need of taking breaks in the schedule.
  • Yorkie puppies love to travel a lot. However, there is a need of special care of them while traveling. Avoid giving them meals from outside. Most of such puppies are resistant towards the change in diet.
  • The Yorkie puppies sleep a lot. A normal puppy sleeps 13 hours a day on an average. On the other hand, even if they sleep 18 hours a day, this case is not abnormal as well. Provide them with an atmosphere relaxing for them. It is wise to offer them a high quality bed.
  • You should include the time for grooming your puppy in your daily routine. This grooming should include bath time, combing, brushing, trimmings, nail care, ear care and so on. A proper grooming for this age will make them healthy, active and free from any sort of infection or other health issues as well.
  • Proper exercise on daily basis is extremely important for the Yorkie’s health. Only the normal running around the home will help them in no way. Never provide them with enough activity that can lead to bone growth issue or health problems. Set a certain time in the day when you take your puppy out to have a fresh air and a bit of exercise. Always remember that you must not take them for exercise near the bedtime.
  • Yorkie puppies need a balanced nutritional diet that can only be provided by the quality puppy food. Quality of the food is something you should can never overlook, as it is the question of your close to heart pet. They are several brands that offer a balanced food that provides all the important nutrition to the puppies.

The Yorkie puppies need a cosseting hand on their head. They crave for love and affection and prove to be a wonderful pet if they are taken care properly.

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