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Pets World Expert Interview With Dr. A. R Deb

Mar 02

Pets World always strives to bring out the best advice from veterinarians and experts across the pet industry. In that effort, we are delighted to have  got a chance to interview Dr. A.R. Deb, a veterinarian  who has been practicing for the past 25 years. He runs a pet care clinic in Ranchi, Jharkhand and is a well known name among pet lovers in Ranchi/Kolkata.

1.How many pets do you have?

Currently, we have a black Labrador named Prince- 10 months old. Earlier we had a small aquarium and 2 guinea pigs.


2.For how long have you been running your pet clinic?

I have been practising veterinary medicine for over 25 years now.

3.What inspired you to become a veterinarian, pet groomer and trainer?

 Honestly, it was just a sudden thought which had come to my mind when i was in school. Then i applied for the entrance and got scholarship for my further studies. Completed my M.VSc and PhD also.

4.How many pets have you trained till now? Just give a rough figure.

since I am a veterinary doctor/practitioner so i do not directly train pets but yes i do share training tips and techniques with everyone.

5.Do you think people of India are conscious (or aware) of the right caring, grooming and training techniques? 

As far as pet care, grooming and training techniques are concerned, my opinion is that now with the advent of globalization, social media etc.. the people here are becoming more and more aware which is making them concerned about pets and strays. Its a great feeling when i see volunteers who are from school and college working with animal shelters, protesting for animal rights etc. Its a great transformation in people’s mindset as well. There is a sudden splurge of pet spas, grooming parlours etc- which of course is luxury but the basic amenities provided by the animal shelters giving free vaccination, food , woollens during winters is a very heart warming gesture. 3 decades back, taking up veterinary studies was not a lucrative option for  students but now with better infrastructure etc in colleges and awareness for animal health and rights , it is becoming popular.

6.Have you written any article in any magazine related to effective pet caring, training or grooming? If yes, can you please share it with us?

I keep writing for journals and sometimes for pet magazines. Recently i wrote a piece about how neem twig-neem datun as we call it in India can be effectively used as a toothbrush for our pets. Where by chewing it, it suppresses the desire in pets to chew and bite especially during teething and the chewing provides medicinal and herbal benefits of clean teeth and fresh gums to our pets.

7.In a few words, what suggestions would you like to give to pet owners regarding pet care?

Bringing a pet in your life is like planning and having a baby. So we need to be prepared for all kinds of challenges ranging of torn carpets and clothes to pee on the floor to poop on the sofa. Unless and until we are fully confident that we can take care of a pet for the next 10-15 yrs we should not bring them in just for the sake of having a pet. Its very disheartening for me as a veterinarian to receive at least 1-3 calls everyday saying i do not want my pet please get him /her a new home.  Also, ensure that you get all vaccination done on time and go for a monthly routine check up for your pet. Please also remember to not overfeed him/her and exercise him well everyday to ensure a long and healthy life! Most importantly love your pets and spend time with them

8.Can you please share with us any interesting experience related to your job as a vet or dog trainer?

Everyday and every pet is a learning experience for me and for so many years i have had such wonderful experiences with them. Would like to share a very recent experience where a pug’s parent called me up around 9 or 9.30 pm to inform that the pug’s tail has got bruised severely due to some mishap and is not eating since last evening.

Since it was night time in winters and i was down with viral fever, i asked them to come home to get him checked. Surprisingly, the pet parent said its fine, we will come next day in the morning. I suggested again that since its bleeding and he’s not eating for last 24 hours, he might need some medication and attention immediately. Sadly, the pet parent said its too cold for him to come so they will come next day morning and disconnected the call. I suggested giving the pug glucose water and some medicines with first aid for the tail. I called them again around 10 pm to check on the pug and was told that he has still not eaten and not having medicines also.  I started getting a bit worried so i decided on something. I got up and packed myself in many layers of woolens and left from home in my 2 wheeler to their house which was about 8-10 km.

On reaching there, the servant opened and took me straight to the pet’s room. He was lying with his tail in a pool of blood bandaged with a handkerchief. I immediately starting cleaning the wound and then operated on it .

Thankfully, i reached there on time and before there was too much of blood loss i could do my bit and save the little fellow. Then fed him with my own hands after petting him continuously. It was about 12.40 am when he had eaten his dry dog food and also taken medicines. during the 2 hours that i w as attending the pug, the owners did not come out even once to check on the pug. That was the  most disturbing part.

However, i am glad that i could save him from further severe pain and infection. What i felt after this incident was that people bring in pets to demonstrate a sense of status or maybe ownership over someone which is not correct. Animals love us unconditionally and if we cannot reciprocate the same love, we should try to be at least a bit compassionate towards them

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