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What is your dog’s barking telling you? Listen carefully.

Mar 03

Even Dogs don’t bark for nothing.Barks, grunts, and howls are sounds made to communicate with their human family and canine mates. To effectively respond and cater to your DOG, it would only be wise to acquaint oneself with all possible reasons behind its bark. Dogs don’t bark to create a ruckus but rather to express. You can even manipulate or regulate a bark to your advantage however for this you first need to know the common causes for the sound made.

  • Warning from danger: When there’s a knock at the door or a ring of the door bell it is only natural for your pet dog to let off his characteristic bark. When passersby walk close to your house or the dog senses some kind of danger it will alert you with loud and authoritative barking.


    In fact many of us, adopt dogs for the purpose of getting in a canine guard. Dogs are protective of their territory and if a canine receives the right training, a bark can successfully warn its housemates that real danger is around.

  • I am feeling bored: When a dog is lonely it will bark sadly in a low voice. When it is left alone for a long period it may take out short and sharp cries to release some pent up energy. Dogs are pack animals and derive a sense of security when surrounded by its family. It is important you pull up your socks and spend more time with the pet, engross it in some interesting activity or organize play dates with friendly pooches. In case your daily work routine compels you to leave the dog behind for an extended time, its best to offer amusing puzzle dog toys that will dispense some all times favorite dog treats while keeping it entertained.

    Being creatures of pack, dogs love company and physical activity. 

  • When are you coming Home, I’m Lonely: If this is the case, the poor chap needs help! An anxious dog will bark perhaps to comfort itself. Separation anxiety in dogs stems from absence of its beloved master from home for a greater part of the day. The home alone dog will suffer from anxiety and involve in high pitched barking, whining, pacing, and digging at doors/windows as if wanting to escape, chewing the furniture, damaging upholstery and soiling the house. It is a disorder that arises as a response to the fear the dog feels when its master is not with it. A vet will prescribe medication to deal with the anxiety, an animal behaviorist can be brought on board to tackle this issue.


    with an optimistic bark the dog may bow by spreading its front legs and raising its behind in the air to greet its loved one/companion.

  • Hey! Let’s play: is what your dog is trying to tell you when his/her bark is accompanied by a relaxed face and wagging tail. When a dog is playing with its humans or other dogs it may let out a cheerful bark to express excitement.
    ALSO SEE  How to Teach Dog to Stop Barking ? | 
  • To seek your attention: A dog may bark to draw your attention to it-self or to something it desires like a treat or a nice walk in the neighborhood. Sometimes these barks are accompanied by moans.


  • Your pooch is responding to some other dog barking: A dog in the street starts barking and your pooch feels obliged to join in. Soon you’ll find this turns into a cacophony of barks as most dogs from the neighboring homes participate.
  • When scared or shocked: When scared the bark is quite sharp. Any loud and unfamiliar sound from the street can startle or scare the dog


    A loud bark with full teeth display may indicate fear, anger and aggression in dogs.

A meaningless extreme barking is something that needs to be tackled at the earliest. You can rope in a dog trainer to provide basic dog training. Exercising the dog, keeping its brain healthily engaged and stimulated are things you need to ensure for your four legged to curb excessive barking.

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