Pet Dogs are social animals for us. This means they need more love and attention from the owner. They need to be talked and petted too. This care makes them feel that they are loved and cared for everything what they wish for. Commonly, the pup becomes more attached to the person who feed them with utmost care. Pooches need proper attention by their owners or else they can suffer from several health problems especially in the hot days. When the temperature is high, your dog may get overheated. Heatstroke, dehydration, etc., are summer hazards that get affected to many of them. For prevention, chilled or frozen dog treats are tasty treat for them. In this way, they can alleviate boredom when it is cooped up inside.
In summer season, it becomes essential for you to take care of their diet or else they can suffer from dehydration and several other diseases. You must make sure that they are healthy, happy and not beating the heat.
To keep them fit and fine in summer season, you can feed them by giving following dog food that they love to have it.
Frozen Kong Stuffing
It is a stuffed dog toy that is filled with a mushy concoction of foods and freeze it overnight. These are also filled with yummy food and then frozen. These can make your puppy feel happy and energetic in summer days.
Baby Food Pops
Take some baby food from groceries that are packed in containers. Make sure to select those that have non toxic food ingredients like sweet potato, onions, fruits, etc. Freeze it for overnight and then serve your pup.
Frozen Chicken Or Beef Broth
You can feed frozen chicken or beef broth, as it urges your pups to gain more fluids and make them feel cool and happy. You can also change it with wet dog food to gain its fluid intake in summer months.
Parsley helps to improve your doggie breath. Add few tablespoons of chopped parsley for extra color and flavor. It is actually a very good source of potassium, calcium, and beta-carotene that plays effective role in improving dog’s health.
Sweet Potatoes
You can also scrub sweet potatoes and grievance with a fork. Then, bake it until it becomes soft. Add mashed sweet potato with skin to your dog’s bucket. It’s a healthy dose of beta-carotene that is good for their good health.
Just make sure that dog always needs a fresh bowl of water around them. They feel thirsty and want to drink more water. So, you have to keep a watch on their bowl and re-fill it when you find it empty. Mix electrolyte in water to prevent dehydration. It is more effective than plain water that re-fill their body. Instead of giving them large quaffs of water, you can give ice to lick.
Though, your dog will feel less interested in taking food during the summer season, but above alternatives can bring some changes in their diet. Including all these, just keep in mind that they should not gulp the food, instead they chew it properly for better digestion.
In brief, you have to keep a keen watch on your dog’s diet for their better health. All the above dog food products will help you to make changes in their diet especially in freaking hot summers. So, keep reading our tips and take care of your pets in summer season.