A breed having an unwavering loyalty towards its owners, Akita Inu is also one of the best guards dogs around. When he is given a challenge, he will quit most probably when its done. Yes, Akita Inu is that stubborn.
58-70 cm
23-39 kg
10-12 years
Akita Inu is among those dogs whose mere presence acts as a deterrent to those who would cause you trouble. This is because of their bold demeanour with a confident look. Yet, he is surprisingly affectionate towards his family members and has an unwavering courage to protect their loved ones. His stubborn and protective nature makes him one of the best guard dogs around today. He is also not that vocal and when he is barking, know that it is for a very good reason. Coming to the training part, know that Akitas are a mixed bag. They are highly intelligent and is capable to learn the tasks well. But they are stubborn and won't listen to you if you force them too much. So it is important to have a lot of patience while you train them.
Akitas have a double coat: the undercoat is soft and dense while the outer coat is hard and straight. The hairs on its tail are longer than the rest of its body. The color of Akitas can vary between fawn-red, brindle and white and all of these colorations (with the exception of totally white) have a white fuzz on the cheeks, neck, chest, torso and tail. Weekly brushing is very important to prevent excessive hair loss. In summer and spring, you need to brush it more often, as it can get tufts of dead hair stuck to its body. When it comes to bathing, it can be given to them in a bathtub. To bathe an Akita, you first need to give them a complete brushing and then wet their coat thoroughly. Then lather and rinse it off from their body completely. Towel dry their coat and brush it again to make their skin and coat fresh and clean. Lastly, many breed experts are absolutely against shaving this breed as their hallmark is their hair.
Akitas thrive on a wholesome and balanced dry or wet dog food. Traditionally, rice, fish and sea plants were the main foods of Akitas as they originated in Japan. Hence, the dry foods of this breed must contain constituents like rice and fish and you can find the broad array of the same at PetsWorld. This also means their diet should contain all the vital nutrients like Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates in a balanced proportion. Their digestive system also favours vegetables as their ancestors used to thrive on it, primarily because they derived the nutrients from veggies. When it comes to the feeding amount, puppy Akitas should be given 3 meals per day till the age of six months and then be given 2 meals a day once they cross that age. Like most dogs, Akitas too have certain restrictions in eating. They are bit vulnerable to bloating and hence, you should give their food preferably in a slow-dog-feeding bowl.
Akita Inu has a coat that doesn't really mat or tangle, but sheds moderately (heavily during twice-year shedding season). Apart from regular brushing, their grooming is not at all a time consuming one. Talking of brushing, they need it once at least once in a month and 2-3 times a week during spring and fall shedding seasons. As Akitas are a stubborn breed, it would be best if you can start brushing them at a very young age. For most part of the season, you can use a wide pin brush and during shedding season, you can use a rake brush. If you would like to remove tangles in Akitas, you may consider using a dematting comb along with a slicker brush which remove both tangles and dead hair respectively. Regarding bathing, you must be surprised to know that they only need it 2 or 3 times a year. This is because Akitas have a double coat which cleans iteslf due to the hard hairs and too much bathing can strip off the essential oils from their coat.
It is essential that the Akita undergoes physical and mental exercise on a daily basis, with plenty of opportunity to practice longer runs. It is a breed that is happiest when it can spend time with its family. A brisk walk of at least 40 minutes a day alongside your human parents can be enough to maintain a healthy life. As we mentioned earlier, it is very important to be present in your Akita's growth phase, with regular visits to the veterinarian to always adjust your puppy's diet and prevent rapid growth from harming its health. The coat should be brushed quite often to remove dead hair.
The Akita Inu is one of the oldest dogs in history. Originally from Japan, the breed emerged about 3000 years ago. Some breeders believe that many of their specimens already existed in Europe and, later, had their genetics improved by the eastern nation. Akitas are large, imposing, independent and protective. They are commonly used as guard dogs due to these characteristics. Most of the time, they are quite silent dogs, only barking as a last resort or when something catches their attention. Today we can see several Akitas working as police dogs in Japan precisely because of their behavior and way of dealing with the most varied situations. There are those who believe that the Akita is a direct descendant of the spitz dogs. Its size, however, is quite different from theirs, standing out for a long time as a hunting dog. It was common for them to hunt bears and other large animals in Akita Prefecture, the island that gave it its name.