28-30 kg
The Belgian Shepherd Malinois has a short coat (but not close to the body) and can be found in completely black variations or the most common: the golden one with a black muzzle and black ears. Puppies are usually darker and definitive coloration is only achieved at 18 months of age. Brushing every three days is recommended as, like most shepherds, they can shed a lot of fur. In the summer, this fall is even more intense, and you can find "tufts" around the house or even stuck on the pet's body.
The Belgian Shepherd Malinois, like most sheepdogs, needs daily physical and mental activity. Very smart and energetic, he needs to be busy to feel happy and satisfied. Frequent brushing prevents hair loss and makes your coat more beautiful, healthy and shiny. Slippery floors should be avoided, as well as excessive weight gain - issues that can contribute to hip dysplasia (especially in dogs that have the problem in their genetics).