The fastest dogs on earth, Greyhounds are great companions for all kinds of people. Despite their big size, they adjust well to kids because of their non-aggressive nature. All you have to give them is a big yard to play daily.
68-76 cm
27-40 kg
10-14 years
Greyhound's athletic and unusual size makes them a distinguished breed that attracts attention wherever it goes. Although they appear to be quite skinny, the dogs of this breed are quite muscular and strategically “designed” to do well in races. With a long snout that goes almost straight to its head, the Greyhound is considered the fastest dog on the planet. Due to their ridiculous speed, they are used in some countries for race betting and rabbit hunting. It is estimated that specimens of the breed can reach almost 80 km/h. Another interesting fact is that the "Standard Greyhound" you see, is akin to the whippet, a smaller version of this breed.
The Greyhound's coat is short and low, making them need special attention in cold climates. The absence of fat in their body also contributes to them being colder than usual. So you may buy them a warm coat, especially if you are living in areas where winters are long. Greyhound colours can be varied, with black and white, and brindle and white being the most common. Shades of brown, fawn and blue can also be seen in this breed. In spite of their shorter coat, Great Danes do experience shedding of hair. You will see them shed heavily during seasonal changes like fall and spring. To reduce the problem of shedding, you may use a nice rubber brush to groom them. Greyhounds just love being massaged with a rubber brush and you can do it once in every two days. It is not recommended to use coarse brushes or scrapers on these dogs. If you want to clean off the dirt on their coat, you may use a glove specially developed for this breed.
As they were bred as a Race Dog, Greyhounds require moderate amount of protein from a high quality animal source. This is a nutrient that helps them to build strong muscles, thereby allowing them to run faster and jump higher. Make sure you are feeding them kibbles exclusively made for large breed dogs. Being a highly energetic dog, they also require decent level of carbohydrates in the diet. Essential minerals like Calcium and Phosphorus also go a long way in strengthening their bones and joints. In general, Greyhounds should eat between 250-300 grams of meat-based food per day. If your Greyhound is active throughout the day, you may consider adding 100 grams more to their diet. Having said that, you should strictly avoid feeding them foods like onions, chocolates, grapes, nuts etc as these are highly toxic for Greyhounds.
Even though Greyhounds are low-maintenance dogs, they still need a fair amount of grooming. This is because they are moderate shedders and can experience hair loss during fall and spring. To reduce the problem of shedding, brush them regularly with a soft-bristled brush. Using a hand glove that features flexible rubber bristles can also keep their coat neat and clean. Note that regular brushing will pull the dead hair away and will also keep your Greyhounds clean between their bath. When it comes to bathing, Greyhounds don't require them as much as their long-haired counterparts as these dogs don't retain that "doggy odour". Also, consider using a dog shampoo having Pyrethrin as the main constituent, which is safe for the Greyhounds, apart from cleansing them inside out.
If you have Greyhounds, you need to be careful in winter as these dogs don't have much body fat or long hair , and they can feel chilly and also develop problems because of it. There are several pet clothing brands that develop models especially for the breed - as their body conformation is a little different from most. You may buy hoodies, coats, comforters and blankets so that your dog looks good during the coldest seasons of the year. Injuries can happen during physical activities. Consult a veterinarian to know if your pet is able to perform highly intense races. It is important to note that some movements at home can also be dangerous. Always be on the lookout. When a Greyhound does little activity, he can put on weight pretty quickly. So always keep an eye on your four-legged friend's diet!
The modern Greyhound that we see today is a spitting image of an ancient dog breed of sight hounds, having an origin that goes back to the Egyptian and Celts. These sighthounds appear in Temple Drawings from 6,000 BC in the city of Catal-Huyuk in present-day Turkey. They were likely revered as Gods and only royalty were allowed to own them. While the ancestors of Greyhounds were excellent hunters, they were actually loved for their gentle nature, affection and loyalty. Fast forward to the 20th century, modern Greyhounds began to be used as race dogs, where they competed with fellow Greyhounds. This trend is still followed and has a huge fan base in countries like USA and Australia.